Ryan : is it a......?Dodi : yes, it is.
1. Ryan : is it a......?Dodi : yes, it is.
Ryan : is that a cycle?
Dodi: yes, it is
I hope this will help with your answer =]
and one more thing ryan said" is it a" thats not right the right one is that because it doesen't make any sence
Ryan:is it A earphone?Dodi:yes,it is
2. kuis kata darixixemod apk
XixeP = 4!/2!
P = 24/2
P = 12 susunan kata
Mod ApkP = 6!
P = 6×5×4×3×2×1
P = 720 susunan kata
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
semoga membantu
xixe : 4
Unsur Ganda : 2(x)
x = 2i = 1e = 1Rumus : n! / r!
P = n! / r!
P = 4! / 2!
P = (4 x 3 x 2 x 1) / (2 x 1)
P = 4 x 3
P = 12 Susunan
Mod Apk : 6
Unsur Ganda : (-)
M = 1O = 1D = 1A = 1P = 1K = 1Rumus : n!
P = n!
P = 6!
P = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1
P = 30 x 12 x 2
P = 360 x 2
P = 720 Susunan
3. apakah mendownload mod apk di google berbahaya bagi ponsel kita ??
ada yg berbahaya namun jga ada yg tidak.
contoh yg berbahaya = yaitu aplikasi yg tidak mendapatkan izin dari ponsel anda.
sekian terima kasih
4. ryan is my ......brother
soalnya kan gak ada contohnya
5. mr.wakhid and his son ryan ,were at the zoo last sunday .they went there by bicycle .their house is not far Ryan:dad ,what animal is it ?Mr.wakhid ;that is elephant yan.Ryan:Oh,it is very big . it very long nose.it is very strong.mr.wakhid:yes,you are right.ryan:what does elephant eat?mr.wakhid: it eats fruits and leaves or grassryan:oh, look dad is that a monkey.mr.wakhid:which one? oh, yes , that is monkey.ryan: monkeys like eating peanuts.mr.wakhid:yes, guve your peanuts to them.but be careful .it is dangerousryan:all right dadryan was very happy going to the zoo.they had lunch there.1. where were mr.wakhid and ryan?answer2.how is the elephant?answer3. what does elephant eat?answer4.is monkey dangrous?answer 5. how does ryan feel? answer
1.at zoo
2.very big,very long nose,and very strong
3.fruits and leaves or grass
4.yes it is
5.very happy (delighted)1. Mr. Wakhid and Ryan were at zoo
2. the elephant is very big, it has long nose and it is very strong
3. the elephant eats fruits and leaves or grass
4. yes, it is
5. Ryan feels very happy
6. apa bahasa Indonesia nya what is ryan doing
apa yang sedang ryan lakukan
apa yg sedang Ryan lakukan
7. Task2.Listen to your teacher while reading these dialogue and repeat after him/Ryan : Hi, Shin! Good morning!Shinta : Hello, Ryan! Good morning!Ryan : What do you think if we decorate our class?Shinta : That's good idea, make a wall magazine I think.Ryan : Are you sure?Shinta : Yes, certainly. Our class look nice if there is a wall magazine.Ryan : Well it is possible I suppose it but I doubt it.Shinta : So, what do you think?Ryan : Why do not we buy flowers for our class?Shinta: Oh, I do not think so. It is expensive.Ryan : You are right, but we can collect money.Shinta : I doubt it. I'm broke now. I do not think can get enough money.Ryan: Yeah, come on. I can lend you the money if you want.Shinta : Really?Ryan: Of course.Shinta : Thank you very much.Ryan : Do not mention it.3 Task31. What is Ryan asking to Shinta?Answer:2. What shinta said?Answer:3. What is Ryan suggest?Answer:4. What is Shinta said about Ryan suggest?Answer:5. Why Shinta thanks to Ryan?Answer:Task4Complete the following dialogue with the right expressions! The options
1.decorate our class
2.that's good idea.make a wall magazine i think
3.why do not we buy flowers for our class?
4.oh,i do not think so.it is expensive
5.because Ryan said : yeah come on i can lend you the money if you want.
8. 1. What is Ryan asking to Shinta?2. What shinta said?3. What is Ryan suggest? 4. What is Shinta said about Ryan suggest?5. Why Shinta thanks to Ryan?bantu jwb ya:)
1. ryan is asking to shinta what if they decorate their class
2. shinta said " that's a good idea "
3. ryan's suggest is to buy flowers for their class
4. " i dont think can get enough money, because its expensive "
5. because ryan lends money to shinta
9. Tarian di sam-kamu akan mendapatkan beberapa di rmh ibuk di dunia yang mod apk Android yang diselenggarakan oleh kementerian pendidikan Nasional republik Indonesia !!!
ini pertanyaan atau hadiah sih makasih rumahnya
10. Ryan : Excuse me , .................... there a ................. here Intan:yes,there ..................it is on sudirman steet.................from the park Ryan : thank you Intan:you are welcome
Is | Bus stop
Is | across
semoga membantu
Is | Bus stop
Is | across
maaf kalo salah
11. how is ryan doing? artinya
bagaimana kabar ryan?
12. Apa jawaban dari who is Ryan dalam bahasa inggris
jawaban dr who is ryan adalah ryan is ...
maaf kalo salah:)
13. quisssss apa yang di maksud dengan sosiologi?jelaskan! 98+7!+2=note: yey donlod mod apk :)
✈ 7!✈ 98 + 5.040 + 2
✈ 5.138 + 2
✈ 5.140
Penyelesaian98 + 7! + 2 = . . . ?
7! =
[tex]\sf7 \times 6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1 = 5.040[/tex]
[tex]\colorbox{red}{98 + 5.040 + 2 = 5.140}[/tex]
PembahasanSosiologi adalah ilmu yang termasuk dalam ilmu Sosial.
Berikut ini adalah Ciri-ciri Ilmu Sosiologi sebagai berikut :
Merupakan suatu ilmu terapan.Merupakan suatu ilmu abstrak.Mempelajari tentang ilmu sosial seperti tentang pembelajaran interaksi contoh individu dengan individu.14. Aliya: Let's go to the cinema. ...two tickets for us. Ryan: What isthe movie? Aliya : The Boss Baby.That's a comedy. You'll love it. thecorrect form to complete theutterance above is....
arti dari soal:
Aliya: ayo pergi ke bioskop. (...) dua tiket untuk kita.
Ryan: apa filmnya?
Aliya: The boss baby. itu film komedi. kamu akan suka itu.
bentuk yang benar untuk melengkapi ucapan di atas adalah ...
jawaban:. I bought artinya ( saya membeli )
15. soal IT : sebutkan 5 kekurangan dari web apk burp suite
1. Mozilla Firefox
kekurangannya diantaranya:
- Startup time (waktu menjalankan program pertama kali) sangat lambat dan berat.
- Tidak berfungsi optimal bila tidak ditambahi addons
- Para krackers sekarang mulai membidik browser ini, karena jumlah penggunanya yang besar.
- Program update berarti mendownload versi baru dari Firefox, berbeda dengan IE yang hanya mengupgrade modulnya saja
- Banyak addons tidak berfungsi apabila Firefox telah diupdate. (berlaku untuk perubahan yang besar, misalnya dari versi 2 ke versi 3)
2. Internet Explorer (IE)
kekurangannya diantaranya:
- Gagal membaca script dibeberapa halaman situs (khususnya CSS)
- Berat saat awal start dan saat membuka tab baru
3. Google Chrome
kekurangannya diantaranya:
- Statis, fiturnya kurang banyak
- Installnya harus online, Chrome tidak menyediakan file masternya, jadi kalau mau menginstall hanya diberi file lauchernya saja
16. Ryan: what do you think about spending time in todayMika; I am sure you will love it the underlined sentence show splana Mike di sagres Ryan spalnb Ryan di likes Mikec Ryan likes Mikad Mika agrees to Ryan splan
Jwbnnya D
maaf kalo salah yach
17. ada yg sedia cheat pekalongan mod apk no root gk?? butuh nih buat demo selanjutnya :(
knpa mbak, kok hp nya di root
18. Ryan : Is that your pet?Joni : Yes. I named it Gui.Ryan : It looks scary.Joni : No, it is not. It is a friendly turtle.Ryan : Where did you get the big turtle?Joni : I bought it at the pet shop last year. Well, do you have a pet?Ryan : Yes. It is a hamster. Here is the photo.Joni : Oh, it is a cute hamster. Does it have a name?Ryan : I named it Sweety. It is a clever hamster. I put a small swing in its cage. Sweety can play it.Questions:1. What are they talking about?2.What do you know about Gui?3.What does Joni's pet look like?4. What does Ryan's pet look like?5.Write expressions of giving information about qualities of animals found in the dialogue!tolong ya kak,, yang bisa di mohon membantu. thanks a lot off
1. They talking about pet
2. The pet of Joni
3. A friendly turtle
4. A clever hamster
5. they can know the nature of their pets
Kalo salah maaf ya^^"
dan semoga dapat membantu
they are talking about petgui is joni's pet, it is a turtlejoni's pet is look scaryryan's pet is look cutes- joni has a turtle, the name is gui, gui is look like a scary turtle- Ryan has a pet, the name is sweety,
sweety is cute hamster.
semoga bermanfaat ^_^
maaf kalo salah
19. 1. ryan - name - his - is. the correct order is . . . .
His name is Ryan.
Nama dia adalah Ryan.
hope this helps ^^
20. what is ryan asking to shinta
Ryan asking to Shinta about how if they decorate their class
Ryan is asking about Shinta's opinion.
Ryan : "What do you think if we decorate our class?" adalah salah satu kalimat yang bertanya tentang Opini / pendapat seseorang.
21. Kalo di apk mI credit, ditanya PAN Number it apa ya?
PAN yaitu Permanent account number
Permanent account number adalah pengenal alfanumerik sepuluh karakter, yang diterbitkan dalam bentuk "kartu PAN" berlapis, oleh Departemen Pajak Pendapatan India, untuk setiap "orang" yang memintanya atau kepada siapa departemen tersebut memberikan nomor tersebut tanpa aplikasi.
22. Ryan : how does a kangaroo look like? Zoologist :............ Ryan :....... Zoologist : sure,i think it's the biggest animal on earth.it has a trunk and its ears are big.its skin is gray Ryan : do you know the appearance of an orangutan? Zoologist :...... Ryan :........ Zoologist :it is the most beatiful bird.it's a colorfull bird.it is often called a bird of paradise. Ryan :tell me something about an anoa. Zoologist:..... Ryan :i don't know anything about komodo.can you give me some description? Zoologist:.... Minta tolong dong,apa jawaban yang ada dititik" itu ?
Zoo: It has two legs and a pouch on its belly.
Ryan: How does an elephant look like?
Zoo: It looks like a normal monkey, but much bigger.
Ryan: How about that bird over there? Do you know the name of that bird?
Zoo: It's an endemic animal from Sulawesi Island.
Zoo: It's the oldest reptile in the world. It has 4 legs, a tail, and venomous saliva.
23. Ryan : Excuse me , .................... there a ................. here Intan:yes,there ..................it is on sudirman steet.................from the park Ryan : thank you Intan:you are welcome
Jawaban: Ryan : Excuse me , there a here Intan:yes, there it is on sudirman steetfrom the park Ryan : thank you Intan:you are welcome - on ...
Penjelasan: Jadika Jawaban Tercerdas Ya Semoga Ini Jawabannya Bisa Membantu Semua :)
24. 13. Vidia: Hi Ryan, by the way,just don't understand why youguys like smoking? Ryan: Well,it's nice you know Vidia: Nice?What's nice about smoking? Inmy .......... there is nothing niceabout smoking; it's dangerousfor your health. And it is wasteof money. Ryan : I've heardmany times, but I don't believeit. Vidia : Maybe you'll believe itwhen you get your lung cancer.
karna opinion artinya ( pendapat )
in my opinion, there is nothing nice about smoking
25. Dialogue 1Nadya: Ryan, we will visit our grandpa next week.Ryan: Are you sure? Nadya: Yeah, Mom told me about it. Ryan says , "are you sure? ". what does it mean? jawab:.................
Apakah Kamu Benar ?
》semoga benarbenarkah ?
maksudnya arti atau apanya sorry kalau salah
pika pika chu
26. bagaimana cara apk pihak ke tiga (mod) dapat melihat file kita yang sudah terhapus permanen (android)
Melalui akses perizinan pertama kali yang diberikan disaat menginstal aplikasi di luar aplikasi playstore
27. te the dialogue below!Sony : ... is he?Ryan : He is Mr. TeguhSony : Is he a policeman?Ryan : No,...Sony : What does he do?Ryan : He is a....nimal are these?
1. who
2. no
3. ?? mana kelanjutannya
1. Who is he?
2. No, he is no
28. what is Dicka's help to Ryan ?
dicka's help rian to do it the homework!Dicka's help Ryan to do his work.
29. Ryan: What is the matter with your computer? Any I don't know exactly. It just turned off by itself. Ryan May I help you check it? Any : Sure, thanks. Question: What does Ryan offer? et food?
Ryan volunteers to help Any check his broken computer (Ryan menawarkan dirinya untuk membantu Any memeriksa komputernya yang rusak)
semoga membantu yaa ^^,maaf kalau salah
30. is for number 5 Ryan: "Good morning, Kevin." Kevin: "Good morning, Ryan." Ryan: "Who is the man over there?" "He is Mr. Lee Jae Wood." Kevin: Ryan: "What nationality is he?" Kevin: "He is Korean." Ryan: "Is he a librarian?" Kevin "No, he is not." Ryan: "What is his job?" Kevin "He is a teacher." Ryan: "Oh, I see." When does the dialog take place? a.In the morning. b. In the afternoon.c. In the evening. d. At night.
A. in the morning
because Ryan and Kevin says to each others Good morning/ karena Ryan dan Kevin bilang selmat pagi