

we wall aplive ......... 9.15 am​

Daftar Isi

1. we wall aplive ......... 9.15 am​


fifteen past nine

maaf kalo salah

2. Paklike Gathutkaca jenenge ...​


Raden werkudoro


maaf kalo salah:

setau saya gitu:|

3. Dialog greeting and apolize

Jani: Oh Ray, why’d take you so long?

(Oh Ray, apa yang membuatmu begitu lama?)

Ray: I am sorry Jani. I got into the traffic jam.

(Maafkan aku Jani. Aku terjebak macet.)

Jani: We already start the drama rehearsal from an hour ago!

(Kita sudah mulai latihan drama dari satu jam yang lalu!)

Ray: I am really sorry. I don’t want to come late either.

(Aku benar-benar minta maaf. Aku juga tidak mau datang terlambat.)

Jani: Alright. Now let’s join the rehearsal. You already missed some scene.

(Baiklah. Sekarang ayo latihan. Kamu sudah melewatkan beberapa adegan.)

Ray: Can we start over the rehearsal?

(Bisakah kita mengulang latihannya?)

Jani: Yes we can. But, we need to finish this rehearsal first. Then we can start over.

(Ya tentu saja. Tapi, kita harus menyelesaikan latihan ini dulu. Lalu kita bisa mengulangnya lagi.)

Ray: Okay then.

(Baiklah kalau begitu.)

Greeting :
Liza: Good morning,Vito!
Vito:good morning Liza,how are You?
Liza:i'm fine,you
Vito:I'm fine too
Liza:goodbye vito!,see You next time
vito:See You Liza!

apologize :
Via:I'm sorry Lia,im forget your book!
Lia:it doesn't netter Via!
Via:Thank You Lia!!
Lia: you're Wellcome!

(maaf klo salah)

4. cara membuat kalimat aktive dan pasive

Kalimat aktif adalah kalimat yang subjeknya aktif melakukan sesuatu. Sedangkan kalimat pasif adalah kalimat subjeknya dikenai sesuatu pekerjaan.Contoh:Kalimat aktif: Rani sedang menyiram tanaman.Kalimat pasif: Tanaman sedang disiram Rani.Kalimat aktif:rara membeli buku pelajaran.Kalimat pasif: Buku pelajaran dibeli rara.Kalimat aktif: ayah sedang membaca buku.
kalimat aktive itu misalkan apa yang dia lakukan jelas, kalau pasi tinggal kebalikaanya saja. kalimatnya itu tdk langsung dikerjakan, 

5. Ubah kalimat Tesis menjadi aktive​

My mother is watering the flower nowShe drinks ice tea everydayThe baby ate the food yesterdayMy father buys the car

6. change the sentences aktive to passive voice!A. passive voice simple present tense1. every morning my mother reads the magazine (aktive)2. they often eat egg (aktive)B. passive voice simple continuous tense1. we are running at the park (aktive)2. i am walking on the floor (aktive)C. passive voice simple past tense1. last night he visited to "Hernia hospital" (aktive)2. we played the ball (aktive) ***Please help me​



1) Magazines are read by my mother every morning

2) Eggs are eaten by them often


1) this sentence is unable to change into passive because the verbs are categorized as intransitive verbs

2) the same as I'm saying


1) Hernia hospital was visited by him

2) The ball was played by us


A. passive voice simple present tense

the magazine is read by my mother every morning egg is often eaten by them

B. passive voice simple continuous tense

the park is being run at by usthe floor is being walked on by me

C. passive voice simple past tense

last night, Hernia Hospital was visited by himthe ball was played by us


tidak yakin dengan point. B. karena structure kalimatnya susah dibuat passive voice. we called as intransitive

7. "nick was asked to help tom" itu kalimat aktive atau pasive? kalau aktive bagaimana perubahannya ke dalam pasive​


nick was asked to help tom" ini kalimat pasif karena si nick yg jadi objek " was asked " ditanyai

kalau aktif maka tinggal dibalik saja :

Someone asked Nick to help Tom.


Tom asked Nick to help him.

8. minor errors can be eliminated through careful proofreading ini jenis kalimat aktive atau pasive jika pasive tolong rubah ke aktive begitu sebaliknya

careful proofreading can eliminate minor errors (active)

9. apa dampak dari meletakan speaker aktive terlalu dekat dengan monitor​

merusak sirkuit dalam monitor sehingga rusakMerusak sirkuit nya maaf kalo salah

10. apa perbedaan past continuous Passive Dan aktive?​


Jika active voice dalam past future continuous tense, maka 'be' passive voice-nya adalah would be + being. ... Active : He will have been meeting them. Passive : They will have been being met by him. Active : She will have been watering this plant.

11. SIMPLE PRESENT CONTINOUS TENSE AKTIVE VOICE : SAKHIA IS WRITING A NOVEL PASSIVE VOICE :________________________________________________ AKTIVE VOICE : ________________________________________________ PASIIVE VOICE : CAKE IS BEING COOKED BY MY SISTER AKTIVE VOICE : MERRY IS ACCEPTING MY LOVE PASSIVE VOICE : ________________________________________________ AKTIVE VOICE : ________________________________________________ PASIIVE VOICE : THE BOOK IS BEING READ BY DAFFA AKTIVE VOICE : THE LION IS EATING MEAT PASIIVE VOICE : _______​










12. apa arti Aktive Since ??​


aktif sejak


Active: aktif

Since: sejak

13. ubah menjadi kalimat aktive​


Kerupuk crackers are very crunchy


Karna,Crackers dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah Kerupuk,Are dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah Adalah,Very dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah Sangat,dan Crunchy dalam bahasa Indonesia Garing.

Jika kita sambungkan:

Bahasa Indonesia:

Kerupuk Adalah Sangat Garing

Bahasa Inggris/English:

Diedit:Crackers Are Very Crunchy


Semoga Membantu

Maaf Jika Ada Kesalahan

Kalau bisa Commnet jika tidak dimengerti :)

Semoga dapat dimengerti♡

Saya edit supaya dimengerti

Maaf cuma itu saja yang saya edit

14. Kalimat aktive dari grown


kalimat active dari grown :

Dian grows up to be an adult


artinya : Dian mulai tumbuh menjadi orang dewasa.

Kalimat aktif adalah kalimat dimana sang subjek aktif sedang melakukan sesuatu. Sedangkan kalimat pasif adalah kalimat dimana subjek akan menerima tindakan atau sesuatu dari kata kerjanya.

Contohnya Adults grown in the Dian body

CMIIW, Semoga membantu^^




=> Some Trees grow in the forest.


=> The forest is grown by some trees.


Subject : English

Class : X

Category : Passive voice

Examples :

present simple

• Active : my grandfather grows carrots in his field

• Passive : carrots are grown by my grandfather in his field

✐ formula : O + is/are + V3 (by S)

past simple

• Active : the farmer grew wheat yesterday

• Passive : wheat was grown by the farmer yesterday

✐ formula : O + was/were + V3 (by S)

present continuous

• Active : my uncle is growing the carrots in the field

• Passive : the carrots are being grown by my uncle in the field

✐ formula : O + is/are + being + V3 (by S)

15. Apa ciri ciri kambing apline


kambing apline merupakan kambing yang berasal dari perguruan apline, yang di bawa ke amerika serikat dari prancis(france). dimana kambing2 tsb telah di seleksi untuk ke uniform-an, ukuran dan produksi ternaknya


ciri2 kambing apline :

warna kambing apline bermacam2 (putih, coklat, hitam dan kombinasi dari macam warna).umumnya Kedua jenismya berbulu pendek, tapi biasanya yang kentang berbulu panjang dan kasar pada bagian punggung. Janggut juga dapat ditemukan pada jenis kelamin Jantan . Telinga dalam kambing Alpine berukuran sedang, bertekstur halus, dan lebih tegak berdiri

maaf jika salah

semoga membantu

16. 20 contoh kalimat passive dan aktive

passive biasanya sehabis verb+ed contoh Worked

kalo aktive biasanya verb+ing contoh Workingtau kan pelajaran bahasa indonesia tentang kalimat aktif dan pasif ?
cth :
aktif : Naya menaiki sepeda
pasif : sepeda dinaiki Naya
nah sekarang sisa kamu buat bahasa inggrisnya deh ^_^

17. bagaimana cara mengerjakan aktive dan passive?

sama seperti bahasa indonesia ya, ada kalimat aktif dan pasifnya
kalimat aktif selalu berawalan me-, sedangkan kalimat pasif selalu berawalan di-,

example kalimat aktif :
i read book = saya membaca buku
polanya : s + v-1 + adj

example kalimat pasif: objek nya ditukar jadi subjek
that book is read by me = buku itu dibaca oleh saya
polanya : objek + to be + v-3 + by + subjek

semoga bisa membantu ^_^Ada beberapa keunikan dalam pola kalimat Tenses Passive Voice, yakni sebagai berikut:
Semua kalimat dalam Passive Voie menggunakan Verb ke 3 (V3).Bentuk Kata Kerja dalam Active Voice akan menambah Particle dalam Passive Voice:V1 menjadi +beActive Voice: They will eat hamburger (Simple Future)Passive Voice: The hamburger will be eaten by themV2 menjadi +was/wereActive Voice: They ate hamburger (Simple Past)Passive Voice: The hamburger was eaten by them
V3 menjadi +beenActive Voice: They had eaten hamburger (Past Perfect)Passive Voice: The hamburger had been eaten by themVing menjadi beingActive Voice: They will be eating hamburger (Future Continuous)Passive Voice: The hamburger will be being eaten by them.V1 s/es menjadi to be present (is, am, are)Active Voice: They eats hamburger (Simple Present)Passive Voice: The hamburger is eaten by them.Terakhir, ciri Perfect Continuous  selalu ditambahkan +been being S + has/have + been being + V3 + by + O (Present Perfect Continuous)S + had + been being + V3 + by + O (Past Perfect Continuous)S + will/shall + have + been being + V3 + by + O (Future Perfect Continuous) S + should/would + have + been being + V3 + by + O (Past Future Perfect Continuous) Bagaimana menarik bukan cara memahami Passive Voice Tenses. Yaa.. Awalnya memang terasa sulit, akan tetapi jika kita terus memahaminya, Insya Allah pasti cepat bisa menguasainya.

18. contoh kalimat aktive di kelas

- Andy raises his hand.
- Mika askes “Who is the guy in the photo?” She says.
- Layla erases the whiteboard.
- Anna reads the book.
- Janette writes a story.1. Mr. Rina is teaching English
2. Ani wrote the task
3. We describe the plant parts
4. Rina always studies her books
5. Andi was playing his phone when the teacher taught
6. They have cleaned the class since this morning
7. The teacher asked him before he erased the whiteboard
8. Andri will do the task

Maaf kalo salah

19. aktive: she studied Englishpassive: ...​


English Was Being Studied By Her

20. Contoh lain kalimat aktive dan pasivevoice


Contoh Kalimat Active Voice · Rachel forgot to bring his report.

Contoh kalimat Pasive Voice . Johnny drives a car.


semoga membantu

21. aktive to passive 1. (aktive) tedy drinks a coffe in the morning (passive)...... 2. (aktive) they do their homework at school (passive).... ​


1.a cup of coffe is drunk by tedy in the morning

2.their homework is done by them at school

22. Alive but deaddead but alive​


hidup tetapi mati

mati tetapi hidup



23. menggubah kalimat aktive voice menjadi passive voice...aktive voice: Aminah wears unique jacketpassive voice:??​


Passive voice: The unique jacket is worn by Aminah.

24. contoh kalima aktive dalam bahasa inggris

Someone has been eating my breakfast.

25. Tuliskan 1 contoh kalimat Aktive


subjeknya menjadi aktif

26. kalimat passive dari kalimat aktive berikut adalah? " setiap subuh ibu meninggalkanku ke perkebunan" dalam bahasa inggris.. aktive ke passivetolong di bantu yaa gan.

Every dawn, I was left in the farm by mother.

27. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE1. AKTIVE VOICE : SAKHIA WRITE A NOVELPASSIVEVOICE :________________________________________________2. AKTIVE VOICE : ________________________________________________PASIIVE VOICE : CAKE IS COOKED BY MY SISTER3. AKTIVE VOICE : MERRY ACCEPTS MY LOVEPASSIVE VOICE : ________________________________________________4. AKTIVE VOICE : ________________________________________________PASIIVE VOICE : THE BOOK IS READ BY DAFFA5. AKTIVE VOICE : THE LION EATS MEATPASIIVE VOICE : _____________________________​


1. A novel wrote by sakhia

2. My sister cook the cake

3. My love is accepted Merry

4. Daffa read the book

5. Meat eaten by lion

28. Berikan contoh kalimat aktive tense

Jawaban: Michael forgot to bring his report (Michael lupa membawa laporannya). Her parents always come home late (Orang tuanya sering pulang larut). Bradie had went to Finland before (Bradie pernah ke Finlandia sebelumnya). He will buy a new laptop tomorrow (Dia akan membeli laptop baru besok).

Penjelasan: maaf klo salah

29. berikan contoh kalimat aktive dan pasif​


kalimat aktif:

mother is cooking

deni is playing football

shinta is drawing

kalimat pasif:

Chewing gum is eaten by Budi

basketball played by regi


1. Rin berenang bersama teman-teman klubnya. (kalimat aktif)

2. Ariel dipaksa temannya untuk berbohong. (kalimat pasif)


kalimat aktif : biasanya menggunakan imbuhan me-, ber-, dll.

kalimat pasif : biasanya menggunakan imbuhan di-, ter-, dll.

30. Contoh lain kalimat aktive dan pasive voice


1. Kalimat aktif

Kalimat aktif atau dalam bahasa Inggris juga dikenal dengan active voice adalah kalimat yang subjek atau pelakunya menggunakan kata kerja atau sedang melakukan suatu tindakan. 

contoh :

• l am eating pancakes (Aku sedang makan pancake)

• My father writes a letter for my mother (Ayahku menulis surat untuk ibuku)

2. Kalimat pasif

Kalimat pasif atau dalam bahasa Inggris disebut juga passive voice adalah kalimat yang subjek atau pelakunya tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi.

contoh :

• The cookies were made by my mother (Kue itu telah dibuat oleh ibuku)

• That flower was planted by my mother (Bunga itu telah ditanam oleh ibuku)

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