apabila anda sedang melakukan editing video dengan menggunakan videopad dan software tersebut mengalami kerusakan pada file alternatif software apa yang digunakan?
1. apabila anda sedang melakukan editing video dengan menggunakan videopad dan software tersebut mengalami kerusakan pada file alternatif software apa yang digunakan?
Built-in Video editor
Built-in Video editor adalah software yang sudah ada didalam komputer itu sendiri dan sudah resmi ditesting oleh perusahaan perilis komputer tersebut. membuat tingkat kemungkinan untuk kerusakan file video menjadi 0%
2. bagaimana cara mempercepat proses convert video menggungakan videopad atau movie maker? aku udah convert nih vidonya, terus memprosesnya lama banget, udah ditunggu seharian malah gak kesimpen ujung ujungnya. tolong bantu jawab.
Cara tekan ikon file lalu cari export atau save movie
3. Cyberlink PowerDirector, Corel VideoStudio Pro, Adobe Premiere Element, MAGIX Movie Edit Pro, VideoPad, Pinnancle Studio Plus, dan Wondershare Filmora, merupakan perangkat lunak….a.Desktop publishingb.Databasec.Multimediad.Enterprise#mohon bantuan nya
c. Multimedia
4. Media Sosial Hanya Boleh Digunakan Anak di Atas 13 Tahun ... (1) Pembatasa usia pengyunaan media sosial ternyata memancing banyak kalangan untuk memberikan tanggapan. Ada yang setuju, tetapi tidak sedikit juga yang menentangnya. (2) Kalangan yang setuju terhadap pembatasan usia dalam penggunaan media sosial menyatakan bahwa saat ini media banyak memuat informasi, gambar, atau videoa yang tidak layak untuk anak-anak di bawah usia tiga belas tahun. Oleh karena itu, sudah saatnya ada peraturan yang membatasi usia anak-anaak dalam mengakses media sosial. … 2. Cermati paragraf pertama teks di atas! a. Tuliskan kata penghubung yang terdapat dalam paragraf pertama teks di atas! b. Tentukan makna kata penghubung tersebut apakah bermakna perbandingan atau pertentangan? 3. Tentukan struktur paragraf kedua dari teks di atas!
kalangan yang setuju terhadap pembatasan usia dalam pengunaan media sosial menyatakan bahwa saat ini media banyak memuat informasi
. semoga membantu terimakaaih
5. Silahkan cari videoa sebuah tari dari nusanta kemudian amati video tersebut dan buat apresiasi dalam sebuah deskripsi 2 yang dibahas dapat berupaa. Judul tarib. Asal dari daerah mana tari tersebut c. Apa keunikan dari tari tersebut d. Keunikan pada Gerakan apa e. Bagaimana pola lantai yang digunakanf. Tari tersebut penyajiannya seperti apa g. Tari tersebut termasuk jenis tari apa h. Bagaimana busana yang dikenakan i. Apa property yang digunakan j. Dan lain lain bantu jawab ya, dikumpulin besok
ITU harus nonton videonya dulu gak sih? ad gak videonya?
6. 00:50:58Ukuran Soal : AAAHaris : You’d better work faster.Adit : Why is it so?Haris : All of the workers are being videotaped now.Adit : I don’t like to be videotaped while I work. I feel annoyed.Haris : This factory is being evaluated now.Adit : Evaluated? I hope they don’t close it. I don’t want to lose this job.Haris : We won’t lose our job if we work effectively. So, please finish your work today.What does Haris intent to do?ATell Adit to work hard.BVideotape all the workersCEvaluate Adit’s performance.DFinish the work as soon as possible.
D. finish the work as soon as possible
‘so, please finish your work today’
7. Fauzan :You'd better work faster You're being watched Hilal :Really? What about you'' Fauzan :Yes. All of the workers are being now Hilal:don't want to be watched while I work Fauzan: This factor, is being evaluated now Hilal : Evaluated? I hope thcy don't close it. I don't want to lose this Job What is the dialog about? A.the procedures to work faster in the factory B.the assessment of employee's performance C.the process of taking over of a company D.the need to videotape events at work
b. the assessment of employee's performance
8. Questions 9-10From: NaufalDo you remember that we must submitour project on Wednesday? What if wevideotape the procedure for making fancygreeting cards? Let me know if you agree.I'm waiting9. Naufal is probably the receiver's.....A. classmateB. teacherC. studentD. Sibling10. Why did Naufal send the message ?A. to give information about the project.B. To submit the project to the receiverC. to ask for the receiver's opinion about the projectD. to find a way to finish the project without doing it
semoga bisa membantu
9. Rewrite these sentences with comparative degree using: big, expensive, long, old, popular, strong, tall.1. The mosque was built in 1990 and the library in 2000.(answer: The mosque is older than the library)2. Alex can lift 70 kilos, but Roni can lift 100 kilos.3. Mila is 160 cm tall, but Ria is 165 cm.4. Mareta does not have so many friends. Avi has lots of friends.5. Rio’s car has room for five people, but Nino’s car has room for only four.6. My bag is Rp. 50.000,- and your bag is Rp. 40.000,-.7. The film lasts three hours but the videotape is only two hours long.
1. The mosque was built in 1990 and the library in 2000.
(answer: The mosque is older than the library)
2. Alex can lift 70 kilos, but Roni can lift 100 kilos.
Answer: Roni is stronger than Alex
3. Mila is 160 cm tall, but Ria is 165 cm.
Answer: Ria is taller than Mila
4. Mareta does not have so many friends. Avi has lots of friends.
Answer: Avi is more popular than Mareta
5. Rio’s car has room for five people, but Nino’s car has room for only four.
Answer: Rio's car is Bigger than Nino's car
6. My bag is Rp. 50.000,- and your bag is Rp. 40.000,-.
Answer: My bag is more expensive than Your bag
7. The film lasts three hours but the videotape is only two hours long.
Answer: The film is Longer than the videotape
maaf kalo ada yang salah,tapi semoga ini membantu :)
10. 1. Write down 5 expressions that you can use to appreciate people's work!2.Why did naufal send the message? From: NaufalDo you remember that we must submit our project onWednesday? What if we videotape the procedure for making fancy greeting cards? Let me know if you agree.I'm waiting.3. Write down 5 expressions that you can use to ask for and give opinion!4. Write down 5 expression that you can use to get people's attention!
1. a. Congratulations fo you basketball victoy
b. Good work, you finish the school assignment on time
c. Fantastic job! you get one hundred on the test
d. Well done, now you are on top five of smart people!
e. That's wonderfull, you past this!
2. because he want to remind about submit the project, and asking for approval
3. a. In my opinion
b. from my point of view you should get some haircut
c. i think you should apologize him
d. as far i know, he doesn't like chocolate
e. in my view it looks good
4. a. Attention please
b. sorry to trouble you, can you help me?
c. excuse me, can we talk
d. look what i've got here
e. stop talking please, i got some news
appreciation people work di pergunakan saat mengapresiasi sesuatugive opinion dipergunakan saat memberi pendapatget people attention dipergunakan saat ingin di perhatikan11. Why did naufal send this message? From: NaufalDo you remember that we must submit our project onWednesday? What if we videotape the procedure for making fancy greeting cards? Let me know if you agree.I'm waiting.
Naufal send thoose message because he reminding you that both of you must submit the project on wednesday. And he give some suggestion, he also ask for approval
Berdasarkan soal, Naufal menanyakan tentang tugas yang dikerjakan bersama dan akan di kumpul di hari rabu. Dan ia memberi beberapa saran untuk mengerjakannya dan meminta persetujuan