Into The Death Mod Apk

Into The Death Mod Apk

kuis kata darixixemod apk​

Daftar Isi

1. kuis kata darixixemod apk​



P = 4!/2!

P = 24/2

P = 12 susunan kata

Mod Apk

P = 6!

P = 6×5×4×3×2×1

P = 720 susunan kata

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu


xixe : 4

Unsur Ganda : 2(x)

x = 2i = 1e = 1

Rumus : n! / r!

P = n! / r!

P = 4! / 2!

P = (4 x 3 x 2 x 1) / (2 x 1)

P = 4 x 3

P = 12 Susunan

Mod Apk : 6

Unsur Ganda : (-)

M = 1O = 1D = 1A = 1P = 1K = 1

Rumus : n!

P = n!

P = 6!

P = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1

P = 30 x 12 x 2

P = 360 x 2

P = 720 Susunan

2. apakah mendownload mod apk di google berbahaya bagi ponsel kita ??​


ada yg berbahaya namun jga ada yg tidak.

contoh yg berbahaya = yaitu aplikasi yg tidak mendapatkan izin dari ponsel anda.


sekian terima kasih

3. #MODPut the following direct sentences into reported speech.​

1. Issumboshi said to the princess that he would stay in her pocket and guard her from all harm.

2. The lord said that he would employ me

3. Issumboshi said that he would defend her upon his life.

4. The demon said that that magic hammer would grant me a wish.

5. The demon said to issumboshi that he gave that magic hammer to him

6. John said that he was feeling ill

7. Bob told me that Dan worked very hard

8. Riana saud that she didn't have any brothers or sisters

9. Fadhil told me that Sarah had a very well-paid job

10. Tika said that she didn't like fish

4. how did chris cover up the death of the rabbit

bagaimana Chris menutupi kematian kelinci itu?Translatenya = Bagaimana caranya chris menutupi kematian kelinci

5. From the text we can conclude that…….A. Death penalty is still used in some countriesB. There were many death penalty in eighteen centuryC. Budi thinks that the death penalty violates human rightsD. Both Audy and Budi agree with the death penalty​


From the text we can conclude that Death penalty is still used in some countries (A)

6. is a dangerous sport the player can be death in the ring

Adalah olahraga yang berbahaya pemainnya bisa meninggal di ringBoxing or Wrestling is a dangerous sport that the player may die in the ring.


Boxing atau Wrestling adalah olahraga yang membahayakan hidup pemain dan juga bisa meninggal di ring.

Smoga membantu kak ^^

7. why does the writer inform us about death traps​


Because they writer is a killer maybe psychopath


pertanyaan nyeleneh nih

8. pidato b.inggris the death penalty should be given corruptors​

Make it by your own style of word . Aku kasih point' nya

1. Corruptor's are bad for society

2. Corruptor can make the country poor

3.After jail , corruptor's will be realease , and do it again

4. Jail is not the best way to punish corruptors ,

5. Corruptors will never give up if the sentence is only imprisoned

6.The death sentence can be a life lessons for others, so that corruption does not flourish again in the future

Semoga membantu , bikin kalimat sendiri ya

9. Change into simple past in passive voice-He is beaten by all his competitors -Heart disease is considered the leading cause of death in the united states -I am trown to the pool last night Change into passive voice -I love him -I loved him -She loves me


Change into simple past in passive voice:He is beaten by all his competitors → All his competitors was beat him Heart disease is considered the leading cause of death in the United States → The leading cause of death was heart diseased in the United StatesI am thrown to the pool last night → I was threw to the pool last night

Change into passive voice:I love him He is love by meI loved him He was loved by meShe loves me I am love by her

10. 1.Siapakah Simo Hayha?2.Mengapa dia disebut The White Death?​


1. orang yang bertugas menjadi penembak jitu untuk angkatan darat finlandia selama perang musim dingin 1439-40 antara finlandia dan uni soviet.

2. sumber sumber finlandia menggambarkan bahwa dia dijuluki sebagai "white death" atau kematian putih. Selama perang, "kematian putih" menjadi salah satu tema utama propaganda dalam perang

Semoga bermanfaat


11. Bantuin woy ,mod nya pintar karna pelajaran kelas 5,6 aslinya mah bodoh Poin banyak karna jawab soal yang gak guna yaitu (Ouiz),poin banyak soal gampang pel kls 5,6 wk²,ngakak SM mod brainly,kok bisa gitu dipilih jd mod padahal bodoh ,ngotak anj​, berarti yg milih bodoh,apk nya gak guna ini,kasian pada panas mod nya wk², panas?noh kipas


1.jaringan meristem dan jaringan permanen

2.Batang dikotil dapat tumbuh besar dan tinggi, sedangkan batang monokotil umumnya tidak sebesar dan setinggi dikotil. Perbedaan utama pada batang dikotil dan monokotil adalah pada struktur jaringan pembuluhnya.

3.6CO2 + 12H2O + cahaya matahari → C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O

4.tekanan akar, kapilaritas batang, dan daya isap daun.

5.no5 di bawah


maaf kalo salah

12. quisssss apa yang di maksud dengan sosiologi?jelaskan! 98+7!+2=note: yey donlod mod apk :)​

✈ 7!

✈ 98 + 5.040 + 2

✈ 5.138 + 2



98 + 7! + 2 = . . . ?

7! =

[tex]\sf7 \times 6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1 = 5.040[/tex]

[tex]\colorbox{red}{98 + 5.040 + 2 = 5.140}[/tex]


Sosiologi adalah ilmu yang termasuk dalam ilmu Sosial.

Berikut ini adalah Ciri-ciri Ilmu Sosiologi sebagai berikut :

Merupakan suatu ilmu terapan.Merupakan suatu ilmu abstrak.Mempelajari tentang ilmu sosial seperti tentang pembelajaran interaksi contoh individu dengan individu.

13. Terjemahan Cerita The death of bisma


kematian bisma

maaf kalo salah ya

14. Change into simple past in passive voice : -He is beaten by all his competitors -Heart disease is considered the leading cause of death in the united states -I am trown to the pool last night Change into passive voice : -I love him -I loved him -She loves me


Active:All of his competitors beat him.It was considered that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.Last night, someone threw me to the pool.Passive:He is loved by me.He was loved by me.I am loved by her.


Active past:

(+) Subject + v2 + object(-) Subject + did not + v1 + object(?) Did + subject + v1 + object?

Passive present [she/he/it]:

(+) Subject + is + v3 + by + object.(-) Subject + is not + v3 + by + object.(?) Is + subject + v3 + by + object?

Passive present [I]:

(+) I am + v3 + by + object.(-) I am not + v3 + by + object.(?) Am I + v3 + by + object?

Passive past [she/he/it]:

(+) Subject + was + v3 + by + object.(-) Subject + was not + v3 + by + object.(?) Was + subject + v3 + by + object?


#Jenius - kexcvi


-All his competitor beat him


-People throw me to the pool last night

Part 2

-He loved by me

-He loved by me

I loved by her


semoga membantu dan jawaban tercerdas

15. I agree the corruptor should have a death penalty because ?

because corruptor was killed million populace with him actbecause the money raised is state property, and they are entitled not take it

16. changes following sentence into negatif form Lazarus raised from the death

Lazarus didn't raised from the death

semoga membantu ^ᴗ^

17. The most dangerous pollutant gases becauseit can lead to death if it goes into the blood is?​


Gas polutan paling berbahaya karena

itu bisa menyebabkan kematian jika masuk ke dalam darah?




1.THE PEOPLE USED THE MASK TO PREVENT THE VIRUS=> The mask was used by the people to prevent the virus.

2.COVID 19 CAUSES THE RAPID DEATH OF PEOPLE IN ALL OVER THE WORLD=> The rapid death of people in all over the world was caused by COVID 19.

3.THE VIRUS AND GERMS WILL INFECT TO ALL HUMAN BY PHYSICAL CONTACT=> All human will be infected the virus and germs by physical contact.

4.THE MASK AND ANTIBACTERIAL SOAP IS USED BY CHINESE PEOPLE TO AVOID THE COVID 19=> Chinese people use the mask and anti bacterial soap to avoid the COVID 19.



1. ORANG MENGGUNAKAN MASKER UNTUK MENCEGAH VIRUS => Masker itu digunakan oleh orang-orang untuk mencegah virus.

2.COVID 19 MENYEBABKAN KEMATIAN ORANG YANG DENGAN CEPAT DI SELURUH DUNIA => Kematian orang-orang di seluruh dunia yang cepat disebabkan oleh COVID 19.

3. VIRUS DAN BAKTERI AKAN MENGINFEKSI SEMUA MANUSIA MELALUI KONTAK FISIK => Semua manusia akan terinfeksi virus dan kuman melalui kontak fisik.

4. MASKER DAN SABUN ANTIBAKTERI DIGUNAKAN OLEH ORANG CINA UNTUK MENGHINDARI COVID 19 => Orang Cina menggunakan masker dan sabun anti bakteri untuk menghindari COVID 19.

Passive voice adalah kalimat yang berbentuk pasif yang jika diartikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia berarti obyek yang dikenai pekerjaan oleh subyek terletak di awal kalimat dan berfungsi sebagai subyek dalam kalimat pasif tersebut.


The poem is written by my sister. (Puisi itu ditulis oleh kakak perempuanku.)

Poem adalah obyek (benda) namun dalam kalimat tersebut poem terletak di awal kalimat dan berfungsi sebagai subyek.

Kalimat aktif pada kalimat pasif tersebut adalah:

My sister writes the poem. (Kakak perempuanku menulis puisi.)

Rumus sederhana passive voice adalah to be bertemu dengan verb 3 (kata kerja bentuk ketiga). Pada contoh di atas, "written" adalah bentuk ketiga dari write.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

1. Contoh kalimat Passive and Active Voice

2. Contoh cara menentukan Passive atau Active Voice

3. Contoh Passive Voice (modals)


Detail jawaban:

Kelas: XI SMA

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Passive Voice (All Tenses)

Kode: 11.5.8


19. Tarian di sam-kamu akan mendapatkan beberapa di rmh ibuk di dunia yang mod apk Android yang diselenggarakan oleh kementerian pendidikan Nasional republik Indonesia !!!​


ini pertanyaan atau hadiah sih makasih rumahnya

20. 1. What book does Bunga read?2. When is the death penalty started? 3. Is the death penalty still used? 4.Why does Susan disagree with the death penalty?5. which the expression of agreement from the dialogue!​


ini gada teksnya kah? gimana mau jawabnya jadinya..

21. tadi Kapan penarikan berikut 1 HP milik sendiri 2 Mod Apk 3 berakal 4 telah mencapai haul 5 beragama Islam syarat wajib orang yang berzakat ditunjukkan pada nomor​


Jawabannya 3, 4, 5.


Syarat Wajib Zakat

1. Merdeka. ( Karena dulu masih ada budak )

2. Islam.

3. Baligh n berakal.

4. Kondisi harta sampai satu nisab.

7. Mencapai haul.

8. Kelebihan Kebutuhan pokok.

9. Kepemilikan yg sempurna.

22. bagaimana cara apk pihak ke tiga (mod) dapat melihat file kita yang sudah terhapus permanen (android)​


Melalui akses perizinan pertama kali yang diberikan disaat menginstal aplikasi di luar aplikasi playstore

23. nola fell into a deep.......after the death of her lovely mother

the nola fell into a deep chasm after the death of his beautiful mother.


24. ada yg sedia cheat pekalongan mod apk no root gk?? butuh nih buat demo selanjutnya :(​


knpa mbak, kok hp nya di root

25. fitur bahasa teks diskusi should the death penalty be allowed?​



Tujuan komunikatif dari sebuah teks discussion adalah untuk menyajikan dua sudut pandang dari sebuah isu. (To present two points of view of an issue)


maaf kalo salah

26. Complated the words into antonym and synonymAntonymSynonyma. Beforeb. DeathLittled. Prettypoorf.Stupidg. Stoph. Slow1. Talle.​



a. after

b. life

c. many

d. ugly

e. rich

f. smart

g. walk

h. fast

i. short


a. priveous

b. perish

c. bit atau fraction

d. beautiful

e. impoverished

f. foolish

g. cease

h. sluggish

i. high



27. Change into simple past in passive voice -He is beaten by all his competitors -Heart disease is considered the leading cause of death in the united states -I am trown to the pool last night Change into passive voice -I love him -I loved him -She loves me


Present Simple Passive Voice into Past Simple Passive Voice

He was beaten by all his competitors.He was beaten by all his competitors.Heart disease was considered the leading cause of death in the United States.He was beaten by all his competitors.Heart disease was considered the leading cause of death in the United States.I was thrown to the pool last night.

untuk is dan am menjadi was dalam simple past, sementara are menjadi were

Change into Passive Voice

He is loved by me. (Present Simple)He was loved by me. (Past Simple)I am loved by her. (Present Simple)

Untuk mengetahui jenis "TENSE"-nya, perhatikan dari "VERB" yang ada.


28. Steve was shocked by the sudden death of his friend​


Jika diartikan dalam bhs Indonesia adalah:

Steve dikejutkan oleh kematian mendadak temannya

29. What is the difference from the die, death, and dead?

die => verb (kt kerja)
death => noun (kt benda)
dead => adjective (kt sifat)

the man dies.
death scares him.
the man is dead.Die is a verb.
Death is a noun.
Dead is a Past verb/adjective.

Hope it helps :)

30. 1. State the noble values ​​of the Betawi death custom. 2. What is meant by tahlilan? 3. State the series of Betawi death ceremonies.​


1. -Attitude to help each other with fellow humans-Always be grateful to God for everything that has been given to us.

-Attitude of sharing happiness with others

- Always keep yourself and the environment clean.

- Preserving Betawi culture

2.Tahlilan, or tahlil - just the same thing - because this is from an Arabic word (hallala-yuhallilu-tahlilan) which means reading the sentence La ilaha illa Allah. Tahlilan then became a tradition that took root among the Indonesian Muslim community, especially for the nahdhiyyin community, NU.

3.The Tradition of the Betawi People When People Die

When someone dies, the Betawi people will carry out several processions before and after the person who died is buried. Some of these processions include:

Caring for or Troubling

Caring for or neglecting is visiting the house of a neighbor, relative or other person who is experiencing an adversity such as death. Ngelawat or nyelawat is a habit of the Indonesian ethnic group which is also practiced by the Betawi people. This habit is mainly carried out by neighbors and closest relatives. People who come to visit usually provide assistance in the form of money called "tribute money" which is not determined depending on their ability and sincerity.

Help take care of the bodies of people who die

In addition to caring or ngelayat, usually Betawi people will assist in taking care of the bodies of the deceased, starting from bathing to carrying out ceremonies for fidiyah or pudie at a mosque or mosque and led by an elder local kyai. The family of the corpse handed over a representative to the kyai with an email of consent-kabul.


In the Betawi tradition, respect for the deceased is manifested in the form of tahlilan. This tahlilan is held by family members who respond to the deceased or the deceased. They hold salvation or alms when the deceased has reached 7 days, 40 days, 100 days, and 1000 days from the time of death. During tahlilan they invite neighbors and relatives to attend and recite verses of the Qur'an and prayers - prayers for the deceased or the deceased.


Ngored in the Betawi community is defined as the grave pilgrimage activity. Usually this activity is carried out at certain times and aims to pray for the deceased to have their sins forgiven while living in the world.

make the best answer ok;)

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya;)


1. -Attitude to help each other with fellow humans-Always be grateful to God for everything that has been given to us.

-Attitude of sharing happiness with others

- Always keep yourself and the environment clean.

- Preserving Betawi culture

2.Tahlilan, or tahlil - just the same thing - because this is from an Arabic word (hallala-yuhallilu-tahlilan) which means reading the sentence La ilaha illa Allah. Tahlilan then became a tradition that took root among the Indonesian Muslim community, especially for the nahdhiyyin community, NU.

3.The Tradition of the Betawi People When People Die

When someone dies, the Betawi people will carry out several processions before and after the person who died is buried. Some of these processions include:

Caring for or Troubling

Caring for or neglecting is visiting the house of a neighbor, relative or other person who is experiencing an adversity such as death. Ngelawat or nyelawat is a habit of the Indonesian ethnic group which is also practiced by the Betawi people. This habit is mainly carried out by neighbors and closest relatives. People who come to visit usually provide assistance in the form of money called "tribute money" which is not determined depending on their ability and sincerity.

Help take care of the bodies of people who die

In addition to caring or ngelayat, usually Betawi people will assist in taking care of the bodies of the deceased, starting from bathing to carrying out ceremonies for fidiyah or pudie at a mosque or mosque and led by an elder local kyai. The family of the corpse handed over a representative to the kyai with an email of consent-kabul.


In the Betawi tradition, respect for the deceased is manifested in the form of tahlilan. This tahlilan is held by family members who respond to the deceased or the deceased. They hold salvation or alms when the deceased has reached 7 days, 40 days, 100 days, and 1000 days from the time of death. During tahlilan they invite neighbors and relatives to attend and recite verses of the Qur'an and prayers - prayers for the deceased or the deceased.


Ngored in the Betawi community is defined as the grave pilgrimage activity. Usually this activity is carried out at certain times and aims to pray for the deceased to have their sins forgiven while living in the world.


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