Artinya: I love coffee apa ya kakak
1. Artinya: I love coffee apa ya kakak
aku suka kopi
2. yang main line i love coffee. cara dapat free cash gimana? tapi bukan hack loh ya
sering login
nyelesaikan misi
take barista test
naikin level tamu langganan *kaya smart girl dkk.* (ngobrol, ngebuatin minuman, dll)
3. Every morning I drink coffee underour Mansanitas tree for I lovelooking at fruits.
Setiap pagi aku minum kopi dibawah pohon mansanitas kami karena aku cintah melihat buah-buahan.
maaf klu slh, dan ini aku ga ngerti disuruh ngapain tapi aku kasi tau aja artinya apaan.
4. i like a cup coffee digabung dengan she likes a cup coffee menjadi
we like a cup a coffee
smg membantu
maaf jg kalo salah
5. I like ... A cup of coffee
nyanyi neng? tapi kalau beneran nyanyi lirik nya salah
semoga membantu
FOLLOW ME PLEASS6. I drank to............ coffee yesterday
I drank too much coffee yesterdayI drank to cool coffee yesreday
7. apa itu zoom,pakek apk apa ngezum,yg biasanya siswa/i lagi daring
Zoom Cloud Meetings adalah sebuah program perangkat lunak telekonferensi video yang dikembangkan oleh Zoom Video Communications. Pemakaian gratis mengijinkan 100 peserta untuk mengadakan rapat, dengan batasan waktu 40 menit. Pengguna memiliki opsi untuk pembaharuan dengan cara berlangganan pada pemakaian berbayar.
Zoom adalah sebuah aplikasi video confrence yang memudahkan siswa untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran atau pertemuan secara Daring atau Dalam Jaringan
Aplikasi Zoom berasal dari Zoom.Inc yang berpusat di Amerika Serikat
Semoga Membantu
8. i do not like drinking coffee (+)(?)
(+)i like drinking coffe
(?)do you like drinking coffee?
semoga membantu,semangat belajarnya!
i do not like drinking coffee
(+) i do like coffee(?) do you like coffee?
┏━━━━━━✦ Pembahasan ✦ ━━━━━━━┓pattern:(+) s + do + verb + obj.(-) s + do not/didn't + verb + obj.(?) do + s + verb + obj.KUNJUNGI LINK
MARI MENAMBAH DAN BERBAGI ILMU BERSAMA SEMOGA MEMBANTU:)))9. "i like drinking a cup of coffee"The negative form is...a. i am not drinking a cup of coffeeb. i don't drinking a cup of coffeec. i don't like drinking a cup of coffeed. i not like dringking a cup of coffee
10. Heni and I .......drinking coffee
Heni and i ARE drinking coffee
11. I Drank this morning.
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈➤ I Drank too much coffee this morning.
jawaban: much
semoga membantu^^
12. My husband __________ coffee and I __________ tea.
my husband drinks coffee and i drink tea
semoga membantu
13. may i get you another coffee?
maybe yes
Dapatkah Saya Mendapatkan Kopi Lagi?
Maaf Kalau Ada Yang Salah
14. i need a.... to drink coffee
I need a cup to drink coffeei need a CUP to drink coffee
15. 9. A: Which one do you prefer, tea or coffee?B: ...... a. I prefer tea to coffee like coffee than teab. I like coffee than tea like coffee prefer than late?c. Id. I
A i prefer tea to coffee
16. a. Whar do you know about coffee?b. I know that the coffee is ....
a. what do you know about coffee?
b. i know that the coffee is bitter
a. coffee is a drink that so many poeple like usualy people drink coffee in the morning or when sleepy
b. coffee firs time found is in african in Kefa arean
17. 6. You don't like coffee. In your opinioncoffee is bitter. The correct givingopinion expression is ....a. I think coffee is sweetb. I think coffee is bitterC.I think coffee is healthyd. I think coffee is nicedarride are
B. I think coffee is bitter.
6. Kamu tidak suka kopi, menurutmu kopi itu pahit. ekspresi opini yang benar adalah.
A. Menurutku kopi itu manis
B. Menurutku kopi itu pahit
C. Menurutku kopi itu sehat
D. Menurutku kopi itu enak
semoga membantu kak
18. i don't
I don't often drink coffeei don't often drink/drank coffee
19. I prefer tea.......:-) coffee for breakfast
I prefer te THEN a coffee for breakfast. Konteks nya sama kayak gini I prefer mom then a doctor when I was sick.
Semoga Membantu ^^artinya: saya lebih suka teh= I prefer tea
kopi untuk sarapan= Coffee for breakfast
semoga membantu
20. I like milk (good) ....... than coffee
i like milk better than coffee
21. 1Hello, my name is kevin and I'm a barista.I'm ag and live in Philippines. I love peopleMy job is making and serving coffee. I havea small coffee shop outside the city.The business han bec quite bustling.People Love my coffee because it hasmany different flavors from manydifferent countries, Being a baristais my passion and I anjoy my Profession
Hello, my name is kevin and I'm a barista.
I'm ag and live in Philippines. I love people
My job is making and serving coffee. I have
a small coffee shop outside the city.
The business han bec quite bustling.
People Love my coffee because it has
many different flavors from many
different countries, Being a barista
is my passion and I anjoy my Profession
Halo, nama saya Kevin dan saya seorang barista.
Saya ag dan tinggal di Filipina. Saya mencintai orang
Pekerjaan saya membuat dan menyajikan kopi. saya sudah
kedai kopi kecil di luar kota.
Bisnisnya menjadi cukup ramai.
Orang-orang menyukai kopi saya karena sudah
banyak rasa yang berbeda dari banyak
negara yang berbeda, Menjadi barista
adalah gairah saya dan saya menikmati Profesi saya.
Semoga Membantu22. I couldnt there werent make coffee for everyone there werent.......... coffee
I couldnt there werent make coffee for everyone there werent enough coffee
23. I cuoldn't make coffee for everyone.there weren'
translite b.indo
Aku tidak akan membuat kopi untuk semuanya. Tidak ada … kopi
24. i spilled my coffee last weeki have/has just spilled my coffeejawabannya have/ has?
i spilled my coffee last week i have just spilled my coffee.
I Hope This Help
25. 4. Q: Do you like a cup of coffee?A: ...a. Yes, I likes a cup of coffeeb. Yes, I like a cup of coffeec. Yes, I am liking cup of coffeed. Yes, I liked cup of coffee. lagi butuh cepat
jawabannya adalah B. Yes, I like a cup of coffee
B. Yes I like a cup of coffee
26. Change the sentences so that they include ‘can’ or ‘could’.Polite request: I want to have some coffee. A. Can I have some coffee? B. Could I have some coffee? C. Can I want to have some coffee? D. Could I want to have some coffee? Jangan ngasal yaaa
B. Could I have some coffee?
can i have some coffee?
may it useful
thank you
27. Amel: "Emma, which do you like better, coffee or tea?" Emma: "Well, in drowsy condition, I ... to tea" A. Prefer coffee B. Like coffee more C. Like coffee better D. Prefer coffee than E. Prefer coffee rather
E. Prefer coffee rather
28. I drank too...... coffee this morning
karena much dapat digunakan pada kalimat positif dan much merupakan uncountable/tidak dapat dihitung, dan kopi merupakan cairan yng tidak bisa di hitung
29. I had to apologize to the man ... I spilled. (A) whose coffee (B) whom coffee (C) which coffee (D) who coffee (E) that coffee
the correct answer is (A) Whose coffee
30. I never........ Coffee
karena jika coffee berarti dia pasangan nya adalah drink, arti dari I never drink Coffee adalah=
aku tidak pernah minum kopi
Maaf jika salah