apa artinya if I am elected president, I will waive taxes for poor people
1. apa artinya if I am elected president, I will waive taxes for poor people
jika saya menjadi president,saya akan melepaskan pajak bagi masyarakat miskin
artinya adalah Jika saya terpilih sebagai presiden, saya akan mengesampingkan pendapat orang miskin
2. If I am elected as the president of the student organization
kalo ini di terjemahkan yaitu= kalo aku terpilih menjadi ketua dari organisasi siswa
3. lengkapi kalimat berikut menurut pendapat kalian (dalam bahasa Inggris) 1. if i am a president,... 2.if i am a teacher,...
1. jika saya seorang presiden
2.jika saya seorang guru
1. Jika saya seorang presiden
2. Jika saya seorang guru
Maaf kalo salah y
4. selain wakil president siapa yang berkedududkan sebagai pembantu president
Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat(MPR)
5. saran apk coding android untik buat apk??keluarkan sarannya kak
Materi: Mengenal Bahasa Pemrograman - Code Editor
Termux (Terminal untuk mengeksekusi program dan bisa digunakan untuk Code Editor),Quick Edit (Code Editor),AIDE (IDE untuk program pengembangan Android),Dcoder (IDE multi-bahasa serta code editor).Penjelasan:
Code Editor adalah aplikasi/program perangkat lunak untuk memrogram atau mengode (coding) dengan highlight sintaks sesuai bahasa pemrograman yang ada. IDE adalah lingkungan pengembangan terintegrasi untuk pengembangan program saat kita memrogram atau mengode (coding) dengan dilengkapi alat-alat untuk debug dan eksekusi.
Ada 4 saran aplikasi terkait coding untuk sistem operasi Android dari saya, yaitu:
Termux (Terminal untuk mengeksekusi program dan bisa digunakan untuk Code Editor),Quick Edit (Code Editor),AIDE (IDE untuk program pengembangan Android),Dcoder (IDE multi-bahasa serta code editor).Saya sangat menyarankan anda mempelajari lingkungan aplikasi Termux, karena fungsinya sangat mirip dengan terminal di sistem operasi distribusi Linux sehingga sangat baik untuk mengeksekusi berbagai program sekaligus belajar memahami perintah terminal.
Semoga membantu.
- M.Fazri Nizar / TI6. president jokowi president keberapa
like yaa....semoga bermanfaatke 7 dan wakilnya muhammad yusuf kalla
7. Question I _______ the president of the company from this picture. 1. Known 2. am Recognized 3. Recognize 4. Is knowing
I recognize the president of the company from this picture
I Recognize the president of the company from this picture.
1. Known 2. am Recognized 3. Recognize 4. Is knowing
Jawaban dicetak tebal pilihan 3.Recognize karena mengenali seseorang merupakan fakta, jadi menggunakan bentuk kalimat Simple Present Tense. Pilihan lainnya salah.
Simple present Tense:
(+) Subject + Verb-1 S/ES + Object
Semoga membantu ya.
8. Mengarang tentang if i were the president sebanyak 20 kalimat
If I were a president, first thing that I will do is help poor people. I will subsidies some groceries for economic, than I will given some help like free books, or free school payment for education. I will never dicriminate people with their social status. To overcome congestion I will impose expensive car. It means, that no people could arbitrarily buy car. The tax will high and car would be more expensive. I will swear to be loyal, and to be honest. I will fair to the other, no matter who they are, the rich one, the poor one, common people, or official people. They would be same in my eyes. I love child, then I will sure built some garden, and make it sure that every town will has a garden. Children nowdays always stick with their phone, so for a better generation, they must fused with nature. I never prohibit freedom of trust something or religion. I will make sure that Indonesia would be better if all of you choose me for the next president.
semoga meembantu...
If i were the president, i will help poor people in many life aspect such as in their education and their life fulfillment. Because of how important education is, i will make the education fee become free. I will also build a school or education institute in the most corner place of Indonesia. All of my effort have a purpose to my people become smarter and better. The first thing that will i do, is increase my people education. The higher education they get, the better quality of people i get. By having a good people's quality, they will be useful for our Nation. After that, i will reduce the amount of unemployment in our Nation. The second things that i will do is liberate poor people and train them in specific skill based on their ability. Poor people will feel saved because they could fulfill their needs and get enough education. I will also train and recruit more military armies in order to secure our Nation. Especially in the country's border where other Nation could steal anything from us and i will not let it happen. I will also erase illegal logging because it just make our Nation worse. I will apply "cut and plant" system and give a sanction to someone who break the rules. I will also erase illegal fishing and arrest someone who do the deed. I will also conserve our Nation sea in order to make a better mullet for our sea's creature. Then i will try to increase our tourism place and make it more beautiful to attract many tourism that will increase our foreign exchange. Then i will conserve our culture in order to keep it, and i won't make it extinct. Because of how important our culture is, i will conserve it. Beside we could enjoy our own culture, we can also attract many foreign too.
9. apk ppngshot itu dari hp atau dari apk plisss jawab biyar jadi pro
dari Hongkong ya adik semangat jadi pro player epep
dari app luck peter disitu bisa cit auto heedshoot biar jadi pro
10. apk adalah?............
Adalah format bekas yang digunakan untuk mendistribusikan dan memasang software dan middleware ke ponsel dalam sistem operasi Android
Maaf kalo salah
Berkas paket aplikasi Android (Application Package File, APK) adalah format berkas yang digunakan untuk mendistribusikan dan memasang software dan middleware ke ponsel dengan sistem operasi Android, mirip dengan paket MSI pada Windows atau Deb pada OS Debian.
11. If i met president, i (ask) for his photograph
Jika saya bertemu presiden, saya (meminta) fotonya
12. If I ... smart, I would be the next President.
type 2kan jawabanyaaaaaa
13. APK ITU APA????_______
Berkas paket aplikasi Android (Application Package File, APK) adalah format berkas yang digunakan untuk mendistribusikan dan memasang software dan middleware ke ponsel dengan sistem operasi Android, mirip dengan paket MSI pada Windows atau Deb pada OS Debian.
14. di apk gofood itu ad apa sja? untuk apa apk gofood di buat?
untuk mengantarkan makanan
15. If i (be) a president,i would not do any corruption
If I had been a president, I would not do any corruption.
Maaf kalau salah.If I was a President
16. The president of Indonesia ......... Joko WidodoA. isB. amC. has
jadikan. yg terbaik y
a. is
saya kurang tau bhasa inggris tpi ngerti dikit kalo melengkapi teks yg hilang
17. I believe hillary will be our next president
That's right. She has proved she’s the candidate who can take on tough fights and get things done,she will lead the direction for the USA on issues from gun violence prevention to women’s rights to building an economy that helps the middle class get ahead. She deserves to be the president of the United States :):)
i don't think so
hillary is an american
are you american? LOL
hillary doesn't live here, she is in the state
if she will be the next president in her country, let her be
i have my vote for bernie sanders but as i mentioned earlier this is not america, this is indonesia
18. My name is Francois Hollande, and .................... you know, I am the French president.
My name is Francois Hollande, and as you know, I am the French president.
isi doang kan?? ini jawaban yng ku bs kasih
19. There ia am indonesian president photo above the blackboard tolong terjemahkan kedalam bahasa indonesia
Ada foto presiden indonesia di atas papan tulis.
kalau jawaban saya memuaskan pilih jadi jawaban terbaik yaa :)
20. if i were the president
jika saya adalah presidenjika aku menjadi presiden
(conditional tipe 2 yang artinya berandai2 atau mempunyai imaginasi menjadi presiden)
if i were the president, i would arrest all the corruptors
if i were the president, i would educate my people
if i were the president, i would give death penalty to the drug dealers
21. SOAL 8Pay attention to the following condition:“If I were the President, I would give scholarships for brilliant students.”Decide the probability of the sentence, the type of conditional sentence used, and the meaning of the sentence.a.) Slightly probable - Past real conditionalsentence - I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President.b.) Slightly possible - Present unrealconditional sentence - I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President.c.) Impossible - Present unreal conditional sentence - I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President.d.) Improbable - Past real conditional sentence - I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President.e.) Impossible - Past unreal conditional sentence - I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President.SOAL 9Choose the sentence that has the following criteria:The probability is : ImprobableThe type of conditional sentence is : Past unreal conditional sentence.Meaning : I did not left the key last night.a.) My little brother would not sleep in the terrace if I left him the key last night. b.) My little brother would not has had to slept in the terrace last night if I had left him the key. c.) If I leave my little brother the key last night, he will not sleep in the terrace.d.) If I have left my little brother the key, he would not have had to sleep in the terrace last night. e.) My little brother would not have had to sleep in the terrace if I had left him the key last night.SOAL 10Pay attention to the following condition:If I were the President, I would give scholarships for potential students.Decide the probability of the sentence, the type of conditional sentence used, and the meaning of the sentence.a.) Impossible - Past unreal conditional sentence - I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President.b.) Slightly possible - Present unreal conditional sentence - I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President.c.) Slightly probable - Past real conditional sentence - I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President.d.) Improbable - Past real conditional sentence - I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President.e.) Impossible - Present unreal conditional sentence - I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President.
Jenis pertanyaan yang disajikan dalam latihan ini adalah pertanyaan yang membahas tentang conditional sentences. Conditional sentence adalah kalimat pengandaian atau kalimat bersyarat. Terdapat 3 jenis conditional sentences dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu: Type I menyatakan kondisi yang mungkin terjadi sekarang atau juga mungkin terjadi di masa yang akan datang, Type II menyatakan kondisi yang tidak mungkin tejadi sekarang, dan type III menyatakan kondisi yang tidak mungkin terjadi di masa lalu.
PembahasanSOAL 8
Pay attention to the following condition:
“If I were the President, I would give scholarships for brilliant students.”
Jawaban: C, Merupakan jenis conditional sentence type ke 2
Choose the sentence that has the following criteria:
The probability is : Improbable
The type of conditional sentence is : Past unreal conditional sentence.
Meaning : I did not left the key last night.
Jawaban: E, Menggunakan jenis conditional sentence type ke 3
Pay attention to the following condition:
If I were the President, I would give scholarships for potential students.
Jawaban: E, Menggunakan jenis conditional sentence type ke 2
CONDITIONAL SENTENCEConditional Sentence (Kalimat pengandaian/kalimat bersyarat) adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi atau mungkin tidak terjadi seperti yang diharapkan. Kalimat pengandaian terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu man clause (induk kalimat) dan if clause (anak kalimat). Dalam if clause terkandung syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar keadaan seperti terkandung dalam main clause dapat terwujud. Oleh karena itu, conditional sentences disebut juga kalimat bersyarat. Conditional Sentences atau kalimat pengandaian terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu real conditional (nyata) dan unreal/ contrary to fact (tidak nyata).
Conditional sentences pada umumnya memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:
digunakannya kata if dalam anak kalimat (subordinate clause). Karena clause ini diawali oleh if maka disebut if clause. digunakannya modal auxiliary, seperti will, can, may, must, would, could, might, etc.pada pokok kalimat (main clause).Ada beberapa tipe Conditional Sentence, yaitu:
1. Type I: Real future/real present
2. Type II: Unreal present
3. Type III: Unreal past
1. Type I: Future ConditionalKalimat ini mengungkapkan kejadian yang diharapkan akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang dan memiliki kemungkinan untuk terjadi. (probable condition)
Pola kalimat:
If + S + Verb (present), S + future tense
Subjek + future tense, if + subjek + future tense
1. If she comes, I will give her the message.
2. If you study hard, you will pass the final exam.
3. If she wins the competition, they will give her a gold medal.
4. He will not go to the picnic, if it rains.
5. If we arrive late, she will be angry with us.
2. Type II: Present ConditionalKalimat ini menyatakan peristiwa yang diharapkan terjadi sekarang tetapi tidak terjadi.(Improbable condition)
Pola kalimat:
If + S + Verb 2 / were + S + would + Verb1
If + S + V2, Subject + Past Future
1. If she visited me, I would give her money.
2. 2. If I had enough time, I would go fishing.
3. If you were a sugar, I would be a ant.
4. If Natasha Rizky were my girlfriend, I would be the happiest boy in the world.
5. If he smokes less, he wouldn’t cough so much.
Pada tipe ini, to be untuk semua subyek pada IF clause adalah WERE.
3. Type III : Past ConditionalKalimat ini menyatakan peristiwa yang diharapkan terjadi di waktu lampau, tetapi tidak terjadi. (impossible condition)
Pola kalimat:
If + S + Past Perfect +, S + Past perfect future + Verb 3
Subject + Past perfect future, if + Subjek + Past Perfect + V3
1. If he had studied hard, he would have passed the final exam.
2. If the team had played well, it would have won the competition.
3. If Alter Bridge had been here, I would have been very happy.
4. If you had come to my house, you would have met me.
5. If I had known her number, i would have called her.
Pelajari lebih lanjut:1. Materi tentang conditional sentence https://brainly.co.id/tugas/21533580
2. Materi tentang conditional sentence https://brainly.co.id/tugas/482187
Detil JawabanKelas: 9
Mapel: B.Inggris
Bab: Grammar
Kode: 9.5.3
Kata Kunci: Conditional sentence, pengandaian, bersyarat.
22. siapa president Korea utara Dan sipa president Korea selatansiapa president pertama di Korea utara siapa president pertama di Korea selata
1. Korea utara: kim jong un
Korea Selatan: moon jae in
2. Kim jong un
3. Ri seung man
Maaf klo salah
Presiden Korea Utara saat ini : Kim Jong-un
Presiden Korea Selatan saat ini : Moon Jae-in
Presiden Pertama Korea Utara : Kim Il-sung
Presiden Pertama Korea Selatan : Rhee Syng-man
23. If I were the President, I would give scholarships for potential students. Decide the probability of the sentence, the type of conditional sentence used, and the meaning of the sentence. Pilih jawabanmu. 1 Impossible – Present unreal conditional sentence – I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President. 2 Impossible – Past unreal conditional sentence – I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President. 3 Slightly possible – Present unreal conditional sentence – I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President. 4 Slightly probable – Past real conditional sentence – I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President. 5 Improbable – Past real conditional sentence – I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President.
1 Impossible – Present unreal conditional sentence – I will not give many scholarships for brilliant students because I am not a President. (If I were the President, I would give scholarships for potential students. - conditional sentence type 2)
24. If I meet the President, I will ... - ... - ... - ... yang titik tolong isikan yah ?
shake his hand
take a selfie
hug him
- make a picture with with
- give him a gift
- shake hand with him
25. i ... Indonesia president one day.
will be
maaf kalo salah:)
26. apa tugas dari president dan wakil president?
1.membuat kabinet kerja
2.memberikan grasi&abolisi kpd MA
3.mengangkat menteri
4.menyatakan keadaan bahaya suatu negara
5.membuat perang
6.membuat perjanjian/perdamaian dg negara lain
27. I am absolutely sure that our president will be doing his job with responsilibity?
Aku sangat yakin kalau presiden kita akan melakukan tugasnya dengan penuh tanggung jawab
28. 3. If I am apresident,.Lengkapi kalimat tersebut dengan kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence!)
If i am a president, I would give everyone decent life
"Jika aku menjadi presiden, aku akan memberikan rakyatku kehidupan yang layak"
(tapi saya sekarang bukan seorang presiden).
Type 2 conditional merujuk ke kondisi yang tidak mungkin terjadi atau pengandaian dan kemungkinan hasilnya. Kalimat-kalimat ini tidak berdasarkan situasi nyata. Dalam kalimat type 2 conditional, waktunya adalah sekarang atau kapan pun dan situasinya tidak nyata atau pengandaian
I hope this answer will help u..
Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya!
29. Siapa president pertama? Berapa president di indonesia? siapa president ke dua?
2.ada 1:presiden dng wakil presiden(sekarang)
1. i.r soekarno
2. 1
3. soeharto
30. apa itu zoom,pakek apk apa ngezum,yg biasanya siswa/i lagi daring
Zoom Cloud Meetings adalah sebuah program perangkat lunak telekonferensi video yang dikembangkan oleh Zoom Video Communications. Pemakaian gratis mengijinkan 100 peserta untuk mengadakan rapat, dengan batasan waktu 40 menit. Pengguna memiliki opsi untuk pembaharuan dengan cara berlangganan pada pemakaian berbayar.
Zoom adalah sebuah aplikasi video confrence yang memudahkan siswa untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran atau pertemuan secara Daring atau Dalam Jaringan
Aplikasi Zoom berasal dari Zoom.Inc yang berpusat di Amerika Serikat
Semoga Membantu