How To Use Apk

How To Use Apk

apa yang dimaksud how to make, how to use,how to operation beserta contoh masing-masing​

1. apa yang dimaksud how to make, how to use,how to operation beserta contoh masing-masing​


1. How to use this microwave?

2. How to do this math homework?

3. How to make a cake?

4. How to operate this computer?



how to make artinya cara membuat

how to use cara menggunakan

how to operate artinya cara mengoperasikan



in the recipe book there is an instruction how to make a cake artinya di buku resep terdapat instruksi cara membuat kue

this video will show you how to use belt artinya video ini akan menunjukan anda bagaimana cara memakai sabuk

my uncle teach me how to operate computer artinya paman saya mengajarkan saya bagaimana cara mengoperasikan komputer

Semoga membantu

2. how to use adverb in a sentence? How to use noun in a sentence?


bagaimana cara menggunakan kata keterangan dalam kalimat?

cara menggunakan kata benda dalam sebuah kalimat?

hopefully help you and hopefully useful for us all


aku orang indo guiz yang orang indo bilang hadir

3. how to use instructions​


Artinya = bagaimana menggunakan instruksi

Semoga membantu ◉‿◉

4. procedure teks how to use a radio?

bagaimana untuk menggunakan radio?Teks prosedur cara menggunakan radio

5. contoh peocedure text how to use yang lebih simple

How to use Handphone
if you want to call someone ,follow the following inctructions:
First > Press the ''POWER'' Button
Second > Wait until the signal are full
Third >Press the number you want to call
Fourth >Wait until the other say "Hello"
Fifth > Start the conversation
Sixth >Press the ''Call Off'' button to end the conversation

6. how to use rice cooker artinya​


bagaimana menggunakan rice cooker


bahasa Inggris:↓

how to use rice


bahasa Indonesia:↓

bagaimana cara menggunakan pemasak nasi/penanak nasi

semoga membantu:)

7. how to use mobile phone

A mobile phone is a portable telephone that can make and receive calls over a radio frequency link while the user is moving within a telephone service area. The radio frequency link establishes a connection to the switching systems of a mobile phone operator, which provides access to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Modern mobile telephone services use a cellular networkarchitecture, and, therefore, mobile telephones are often also called cellular telephones or cell phones. In addition totelephony, 2000s-era mobile phones support a variety of other services, such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short-range wireless communications (infrared, Bluetooth), business applications,video games, and digital photography. Mobile phones offering only those capabilities are known as feature phones; mobile phones which offer greatly advanced computing capabilities are referred to as smartphones.carssimol ne jadi begitu

8. How to use microwave/oven???

you must to open the oven, and put some food, and reset the hot, and the time, wait, and open the oven, and done

maaf kalau salahStep 1

Open microwave door (depending on the style you may have to pull handle or push a button to open). Do not set oven for excessive cook times.

Step 2

Place the item (plate, container, mug) containing the food or drink inside the microwave. If the food or drink is in an aluminum container, remove and place into something that is microwave compatible.

Step 3

Close the door and set cook or reheat time as suggested for the particular food or drink. If no suggestions or recommendations are given, you may want to start with one to two minutes, depending on the contents' temperature. If contents are frozen, you can defrost first before actually cooking.

Step 4

Restart microwave if additional cooking is needed after four minutes.

Step 5

Check contents periodically and (turn, or stir) to ensure even cooking.

Step 6

Remove food carefully and/or allow food to cool before removing.

9. how to use a forcemeter​


A force can be a push or a pull. For example, when you push open a door you have to apply a force to the door. You also have to apply a force to pull open a drawer.

You cannot see a force but often you can see what it does. When a force is exerted on an object, it can change the object’s:


-direction of movement

-shape (for example, an elastic band gets longer if you pull it)

-Weighing an apple using a newton meter.A force meter, also called a      newton meter, is used to measure forces

Forces can be contact forces, where objects must touch each other to exert a force. Other forces are non-contact forces, where objects do not have to touch each other. These include:



-forces due to static electricity

Measuring forces

Forces can be measured using a force meter, also called a newton meter. Force meters contain a spring connected to a metal hook. The spring stretches when a force is applied to the hook. The bigger the force applied, the longer the spring stretches and the bigger the reading.

The unit of force is called the newton, and it has the symbol N. The greater the force, the bigger the number, so 100 N is a greater force than 5 N.

10. How do you want to open this file?Look for an app in the StoreMore apps:✓ Always use Nis app to open .apk files​


Apa ini


11. how to use eye drop medicine​


1. buka tutup obat

2. arahkan ujung obat tetes mata ke arah atas mata minimal 0,5 CM dari mata

3. pencet dan tunggu obat menetes ke mata

4. selesai

12. How to use past participle?


Unsur grammatika bahasa Inggris terdiri dari banyak hal. Salah satunya adalah tenses. Sudah banyak artikel dan buku pelajaran yang menjelaskan penggunaan 16 tenses bahasa Inggris yang selama ini dipakai. Contoh penggunaan hingga latihan soalnya pun bisa ditemui dengan mudah di internet, sehingga bisa dengan gampang  dan cepat jika ingin belajar mengenai 16 tenses tersebut. Selain tenses, terdapat banyak unsur grammatika yang lain.

Participle juga masuk ke dalam pembelajaran grammatika. Participle terbagi menjadi dua bentuk, di antaranya present participle dan past participle. Kedua bentuk ini bisa dibedakan dari akhir katanya. Jika present participle akan diakhiri dengan bentuk –ing, maka past participle akan diakhiri dengan bentuk –ed, dan -d, untuk regular verbs. Sedangkan bentuk -t, -en, ataupun –n untuk irregular verbs. Meskipun past participle merupakan salah satu bentuk kata kerja, namun past participle bisa juga digunakan sebagai kata sifat.

Ada banyak fungsi dari sebuah past participle yang perlu Anda ketahui. Untuk Anda yang selama ini masih bingung fungsi-fungsinya apa saja, berikut akan kami bagikan fungsi-fungsi dan contoh penggunaan past participle di dalam sebuah kalimat bahasa Inggris. Semoga bisa membantu Anda belajar bahasa Inggris dalam menerapkan past participle ke dalam sebuah paragraph.

13. procedure text how to use iron

How to Iron a Shirt
What you need to press a shirt are iron board, iron cover, iron, hanger, needle, thread, splint, button, handkerchief, sprayer, and dry-mat foot The Steps of Pressing Shirt
1. Use protector for safety
2. Plug in the electricity
3. Choose the suitable temperature for the clothes material
4. Make wet the 100% cotton clothes if it is necessary
5. Start to iron the shirt from the collar, sleeve then body
6. Iron by following line if there is a fold
7. After completely done, hang the shirt
8. Check the result and do it again if it is necessary
9. After completely ironing, put back the equipments and chemicals
10. And don’t forget, clean working area

14. Apa perbedaan fabulous dan beautiful? How to use ?

Fabulous: lebih ke menarik/ segalanya

Beautiful: menggayakan seperti biasa saja atau menjawab secara lisan

15. how to use a correction pen!

SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Uncap and press tip to paper. Squeeze gently to control flow. Wipe tip after use. Recap tightly. Store in upright position. Scribble briefly on scrap paper to clear any clogs.

16. how to use and refill mechanical pencil

bagaimana kamu menggunakan dan mengisi mesin pensil

semoga membantu yh..

17. how to use atm card

1. insert ypur card into the ATM and wait about 10-20 second until the ATM checks your ATM or debit card.
2. select a language
3. enter your pin or a personal identification number and press enter
4. select a transaction
5. allow the screen to show if you wish to obtain a receipt or not
6. allow your transaction to be processed
7. wait for the sceen to show if you wish to make another transection
8. take everything

may be useful,,
Insert the Atm card to the atm machine, input your password, fill in the amount of money you need, take the money, take the atm card. done

18. How to use google docs

Bagaimana cara menggunakan google docks bagaimana cara menggunakan Google

19. how to use a copy machine

Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: Instruction

How to use copier machine (not copy machine) would be as follows:
- First, make sure it's already on
- Next, place the document you want to copy from the top left side of the copier face.
- Then, close the lid of the copier face. Never let it open.
- After that, press the button to set up the number to be copied, the size (can be resized) and start the copying
- Finally, the copying process is done. 

20. how use to teach reading

Bagaimana gunanya mengajar membaca

itu translate dari kalimat yang kamu kirim ya

21. How to use have/has/had?


Have digunakan untuk I, we,you, they

Has digunakan untuk he,she,it

Have dan has biasanya digunakan untuk tenses present perfect dan simple present

Sedangkan had digunakan untuk tenses past perfect baik untuk kt.ganti org pertama+orang kedua+jamak(I,we,you,they,he,she,it)


Contoh dlm kalimat:

-They have two books

-She has two books

-I've just had lunch

22. How to use of Congratulation


saat ingin memberikan selamat

cth:congratulations beni you winning this Competition!

semoga membantu ya :)

23. procedure text, how to use Earphone

 grab the earphones plug the earphones on hp in-ear earphones, attach, select desired through hp yg music to earphones, and listen to the songs/music from earp hone him the answer. .

24. procedure teks how to use bolpoin

frist,we hold the bolpoins in our hand
and then we push the botton in the top
finaly we write..

25. how to use litecoin?​


artinya : bagaimana cara menggunakan litecoin?

#mohon maaf jika saya salah untuk menjawab nya atau salah ketik

#jadikan jawaban ini yang terbaik

Semoga bermanfaat ya

Semangat selalu ya

26. How to use brain ly .


How to use brainly??

1.if u want to edit Ur profile , Click "Me" and tap Your profile Now u can change it.

2.if u want to Tell ur story or Ur identity u can Write it in "Me"

3. U can Have a points if u Answer a question

4.Your position depends on ur Points

5. If ur answer is Perfect than other people your Answer can be the smartest answer

6. U can chat with your friends if u already answer Many question

I hope it helping you when you learn english

NB: U : you

27. How to Use wall clock?



28. how to use verb patterns


use to human thing and case

use to human things and case

29. how to use a forcemeter​


A force can be a push or a pull. For example, when you push open a door you have to apply a force to the door. You also have to apply a force to pull open a drawer.

You cannot see a force but often you can see what it does. When a force is exerted on an object, it can change the object’s:


-direction of movement

-shape (for example, an elastic band gets longer if you pull it)

-Weighing an apple using a newton meter.A force meter, also called a      newton meter, is used to measure forces

Forces can be contact forces, where objects must touch each other to exert a force. Other forces are non-contact forces, where objects do not have to touch each other. These include:



-forces due to static electricity

Measuring forces

Forces can be measured using a force meter, also called a newton meter. Force meters contain a spring connected to a metal hook. The spring stretches when a force is applied to the hook. The bigger the force applied, the longer the spring stretches and the bigger the reading.

The unit of force is called the newton, and it has the symbol N. The greater the force, the bigger the number, so 100 N is a greater force than 5 N.

30. 9. What does the manual tell you?a. How to grindb. How to use blenderHow to mak use aa refrigeratord.How to operate a mixerC.​


maaf penjelasannya mana? atau teks dari pertanyaan tsb dmna?

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