How to upload users including groups in moodle
1. How to upload users including groups in moodle
If you wish to add users to groups, you can do this as a site admin or manager from Site administration>Users>Accounts>Upload users. See Upload users If the groups do not already exist, they will be created.
2. how to upload a video in google drive ? tell the steps : 1. 2. 3. .....
open the google drive
click tap
3. How do you want to open this file?Look for an app in the StoreMore apps:✓ Always use Nis app to open .apk files
Apa ini
4. Apakah upload video story dari apk kamera bawaan lebih buruk dibanding langsung menggunakan apk instagram langsung? Device ku iphone 13
kalo device ip 13 g buruk lh Kl mo upload story,beda Lgi kl device ny android.
sepengetahuan gue
5. We need to invite them / they to come to our warming parti apa kata ganti yang tepat untuk kalimat berikuthttp://www.Mediafire.Com/file/pjr1i29i5ytier6/FF_Mod_HS_1.51.MpG_v23.Apk/file
6. Make a descriptive text. You have to write in the form of doc or docx, then upload in the submission place provided
Singapore is a South-east Asian country located between Malaysia and Indonesia (identification).
Despite its small size, Singapore is known for its transition as a third-world country to the first-world country. Singapore also was known as the Asian Tiger economy, based on external trade and its workforce. Singapore size is not as big as Indonesia, but the city ranks highly in numerous international rankings for its education, entertainment, finance, healthcare, human capital, innovation, logistics, manufacturing, technology, tourism, trade, and transport. Singapore is home to 5.6 million people with a diverse culture. Majority ethnic groups in Singapore are Chinese, Malay, and Indian. Singapore Independence Day was on the 9th of August 1965. Merlion Statue is the official mascot of Singapore. Singapore is famous for its Garden by the Bay, Marina Bay Sands, dan Orchard Road (description).
7. 3.We are going to…. This video in YouTube *a. to uploadb. uploadc. uploadedd. uploading4.Are the students going to…….an experiments in the science laboratory *a. havingb. hadc. haved. has5.Where are you going to……..your next holiday? *a. spendb. stayc. used. live
3. B.
4. D.
5. C.
maaf kalo ada yang salah^^8. apk adalah?............
Adalah format bekas yang digunakan untuk mendistribusikan dan memasang software dan middleware ke ponsel dalam sistem operasi Android
Maaf kalo salah
Berkas paket aplikasi Android (Application Package File, APK) adalah format berkas yang digunakan untuk mendistribusikan dan memasang software dan middleware ke ponsel dengan sistem operasi Android, mirip dengan paket MSI pada Windows atau Deb pada OS Debian.
9. di apk gofood itu ad apa sja? untuk apa apk gofood di buat?
untuk mengantarkan makanan
10. C. Choose the correct verbs in brackets. 1. Yuan will (buy/buying/to buy) a gift for her friend's birthday in the shop. 2. My family will not (go/goes/went) anywhere this weekend. 3. We are going (to upload/uploaded/upload) this video in You Tube. 4. Are the students going to (having/ had/ have) an experiment in the science laboratory? 5. Where are you going to (spend/ use/ stay) your next holidays? 6. They won't (came/ to come/come) to the party. 7. I am not going to (break/repeat/begin) my promise. 8. Will he (donate/ to donate/ donates) some of his money to the orphan house?
1. Yuan will (buy/buying/to buy) a gift for her friend's birthday in the shop.
2. My family will not (go/goes/went) anywhere this weekend.
3. We are going (to upload/uploaded/upload) this video in You Tube.
4. Are the students going to (having/ had/ have) an experiment in the science laboratory?
5. Where are you going to (spend/ use/ stay) your next holidays?
6. They won't (came/ to come/come) to the party.
7. I am not going to (break/repeat/begin) my promise.
8. Will he (donate/ to donate/ donates) some of his money to the orphan house?
11. what is the answer to this problem? (UKK: BHS.INGGRIS) MAAF SOAL DIUPLOAD ULANG, KARENA TADI LUPA MASUKIN FILE-NY. (5poin)
B. Policeman keeps the school kids safety
I have a way out!
B. Policeman keeps the school kids’ safety.
because the text in the answer that I gave has a meaning that makes sense. while the meaning of the other answers is incorrect / messy.
Arti Dari Soal-Nya:
33.) Atur kata-kata ini menjadi kalimat yang benar! Membuat - Keselamatam -Sekolah - Polisi - anak-anak '*
A. Keamanan sekolah menjaga polisi anak-anak.
B. Polisi menjaga keamanan anak-anak sekolah.
C. Polisi keselamatan anak-anak menjaga sekolah.
D. Jaga polisi sekolah keselamatan anak-anak.
Btw, km kan lagi ujian ya? good luck, hopefully you can move up the class with good grades and also get a rating!
12. Good afternoon, everyone.First of all,i would like to thank you for 1.___in the seminar how to be happy terms with Mr.Jonas as the speaker.I 2.___Mr.Jonas to in psychology.He ia 4.____ as a motivator.He ia activite to write and upload 5.____ on his social media.Please welcome Mr Jonas Sudibyo. Isi kalimat yang kosong
1. inviting
2. and
4. currently
5. stuffs
13. Apa yang dibutuhkan agar desain kita masuk di tampilan recomendationUpload yang rajin dan berkualitasUpload gambar yang similiarUpload dengan file size yang besarUpload gambar orang
Upload yang rajin dan berkualitas.
Semoga membantu.
14. 7. What should you do if you already have an account?A. Log in directly to access your accountB. Create an account to startC. Upload our identityD. Restart our account
log in directly to access your account
A. Log in directly to access your account
B. Incorrect, because you already have an account, so you don't need to create another one
C. Incorrect, because there are no specific requirement to "uplaod" our identity. especially if we already have an account
D. Incorrect, Exept if you want to or you need to
15. Tolong buatin dialog 2 orang dari permasalahan iniYou are doing an arts and crafts personal project with your classmate. You find that one of your friend has a trouble to upload his file through his mobile phone. Offer a help to upload the file.JANGAN NGASAL LAH
A: Yes we're finally done B! Now we can submit it through online.
B: Alright I will clean the things up while you submit it.
A: Okay!
B: It's been 5 minutes are you done submitting? It's not that hard..
A: B, I'm a little bit confused how to upload a file.
B: Oh I didn't know you're new to technology. Do you want me to help?
A: Yes please, I'm having difficulties..
B: Click upload file , then choose the file you want to submit then turn in!
A: Oops! Sorry I was new to technologies
B: That's alright I like to help peoples. If you have other difficulties just tell me.
A: Okay , phew now everything is done !
A dan B adalah karakternya . Kalau mau ganti nama boleh ! :) Semoga membantu
Kasih like sama bintang Lima ya
16. Quesito the following text.Follow these steps to upload your video to YouTube successfully:Second, log in to your YouTube account.First, convert your video into a proper format accepted by YouTube, such as AVI, 3GP, MP4, .MPEGand save it to your computer.Then find the upload button on the right side of the search bar and click it.Click the "select files to upload" button and find the file that you want to add. After choosing the file,click the Open button.When the file is successfully uploaded, give it a title and description. Remember that the details shouldgive clear information.B.24. When can we save any changes we made with our video?After finishing our privacy setting.When the video is successfully uploadedC. Before logging in to our YouTube account.D. Before giving details of the uploaded video.25. What should we do before saving our video to the computer?A. Log in to our YouTube account.B. Convert our video to the proper format.C. Find the "upload button" on the screen.D. Give a title and description to the video.26."... and save it to your computer...." (Line 3)The word "it" refers to ....A. YouTubeB. MPEGC. formatD. video
Procedure Text
24. When can we save any changes we made with our video?
=> C. Before logging in to our YouTube account.
25. What should we do before saving our video to the computer?
=> B. Convert our video to the proper format.
26."... and save it to your computer...." (Line 3)
The word "it" refers to ....
=> D. video
24. When can we save any changes we made with our video?
=> C. Before logging in to our YouTube account.
=> Jawaban dijelaskan pada teks di langkah pertama dan kedua, yaitu bahwa kita bisa menyimpan perubahan yang kita buat dengan video kita sebelum masuk ke akun YouTube kita.
25. What should we do before saving our video to the computer?
=> B. Convert our video to the proper format.
=> Jawaban dijelaskan pada teks di langkah pertama berikut "convert your video into a proper format accepted by Youtube such as AVI, 3GP, MP4, MPEG and save it to your computer"
26."... and save it to your computer...." (Line 3)
The word "it" refers to ....
=> D. video
=> Kata it merujuk pada video
Teks di atas merupakan procedure text. Tujuan dari procedure text adalah untuk memberitahu pembaca bagaimana melakukan atau membuat sesuatu melalui urutan tindakan atau langkah-langkah.
Generic Structure of Procedure Text
Goal: memberikan informasi tentang maksud dan tujuan prosedur dan memprediksi suatu kesimpulan. (provides information about the purpose and objectives of the procedure and predicts a conclusion) Materials: berisi daftar materi atau bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan suatu prosedur atau langkah-langkah. (contains a list of materials or materials needed to carry out a procedure or steps) Steps: daftar urutan instruksi/aktivitas untuk mencapai tujuan dalam urutan langkah yang benar. (list the sequence of instructions / activities to reach the destination in the correct sequence of steps)Language features of Procedure Text
Mengunakan Simple Present Tense (S+V1) Berbentuk imperative/bentuk perintah, Menggunakan action verbs, contoh: make, take, boil, cook, Menggunakan temporal conjunctions, contoh: First, then, next, after that, lastPELAJARI LEBIH LANJUT:
materi tentang procedure text
contoh procedure text
pengertian procedure text
Kelas : 9
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Bab : 4
Kode : 9.5.4
17. perbaikan penulisan kata yang tepat, diupload atau di upload
Di yang dipisah itu jika menunjukkan tempat, nama, waktu, atau lokasi.
Di yang digabung itu jika diikuti oleh kata kerja pasif atau berperan sebagai imbuhan.
Oleh karena itu, penulisan yang tepat adalah diupload, bukan di upload, kecuali memang menunjukan tempat yang bernama "Upload".
18. Tolong lengkapi kata kata yg dibawah ini kak besok udh di kumpul.. good afternoon,everyone.first of all,i would to thank you(1)in the seminar how to be happy teens with mr.jonas as the speaker.i(2)mr.jonas to you.full name is jonas sudibyo s,spi.he(3)universtiy of indonesia majoring in psychology.he is(4)as a motivator.he is active to write and upload (5)on his social media.please welcome mr.jonas sudiyo
Jawabannya 1 in the seminar how to be happy teens with mr. Jonas as the speaker
Semoga membantu :)
19. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh How are you after hearing virus covit 19 Aceh Are you okay guys how I hope you are all fine okay today is your work is please is suggestion for students to Two headed The First covid 19 world on your experience Box and upload you work to Google classroom or send tua my good and thank you
pengalaman saya ya pertama kali waktu covid muncul : saya berpikir bahwa sekolah di rumah itu enak karena bisa main HP , selama saya sekolah biasa saya kecapean, tetapi seru juga di sekolah biasa...
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Apa kabar setelah mendengar virus covit 19 Aceh Apakah kalian baik-baik saja guys bagaimana saya harap kalian semua baik-baik saja oke hari ini adalah pekerjaan Anda mohon saran untuk siswa berkepala dua Dunia covid 19 pertama pada pengalaman Anda Kotak dan unggah Anda bekerja ke kelas Google atau kirim tua barang saya dan terima kasih...
☆ kalau jawabannya benar jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya ><
20. Tolong Bantuin Making dialogue - Asking and Giving Opinion It is an individual assignment. Make a conversation of asking and giving opinion about certain topics. You may choose one topic that you like. The example of the dialogue can be seen in the video or handout (PDF). The conversation should include expressions of asking opinion. giving opinion, agreeing with opinion. and disagreeing with opinion. Type your conversation in Microsoft Word and upload it in this folder. Topics: how to become a faster reader how to speak English fluently how to be a good public speaker how to learn to play musical instruments
How to Read Faster: 10 Ways to Increase Your Reading Speed
Stop the Inner Monologue. One's inner monologue, also known as subvocalization, is an extremely common trait among readers. ...
Word–Chunking. ...
Do Not Reread the Words on the Page. ...
Use Peripheral Vision. ...
Use a Timer. ...
Set a Goal. ...
Read MORE. ...
Use a Marker.
21. Perintah yang digunakan untuk menyimpan file project online scratch ke dalam komputer adalah …. * 1 poin a. File – Go to my stuff b. File - Save now c. File – Upload from your computer d. File – Download to your computer
c. File – Upload from your computer
File – Upload from your computer merupakan sebuah komponen menu computer dengan Perintah yang digunakan untuk menyimpan file project online scratch ke dalam komputer tersebut.
22. apk yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan performa saat mengunduh dari internet adalaha. download acceleratorb. overload acceleratorc. upload acceleratord. update accelerator
Aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan performa saat mengunduh dari internet disebut dengan Download Accelerator(A)
A. Download Accelerator.
23. C. Choose the correct verbs in brackets. 4. 1. Yuan will (buy/buying/to buy) a gift for her friend's birthday in the shop 2. My family will not (go/goes/ went) anywhere this weekend, 3. We are going to upload/uploaded/upload) this video in YouTube, Are the students going to (having/had/have) an experiment in the science laboratory? 5. Where are you going to (spend/use/ stay) your next holidays? 6. They won't (camel to come/come) to the party. 7. I am not going to (break/repeat/begin) my promise. 8. Will he (donate/ to donate/ donates) some of his money to the orphan house?
24. 1. Jeje should ___ (upload) is a new video2. Claudia must ___ (go back) to her hometown as soon as possiblehelp..
1. Uploaded
2. back
No 1. Soalnya ngaco. Bukan "is" tapi "his".
YT: Cryst7l
25. Tolong buatin dialognya yaYou are doing an arts and crafts personal project with your classmate. You find that one of your friend has a trouble to upload his file through his mobile phone. Offer a help to upload the file.
A: Yes we're finally done B! Now we can submit it through online.
B: Alright I will clean the things up while you submit it.
A: Okay!
B: It's been 5 minutes are you done submitting? It's not that hard..
A: B, I'm a little bit confused how to upload a file.
B: Oh I didn't know you're new to technology. Do you want me to help?
A: Yes please, I'm having difficulties..
B: Click upload file , then choose the file you want to submit then turn in!
A: Oops! Sorry I was new to technologies
B: That's alright I like to help peoples. If you have other difficulties just tell me.
A: Okay , phew now everything is done !
A dan B adalah karakternya . Kalau mau ganti nama boleh ! :) Semoga membantu
Kasih like sama bintang Lima yaaaaaa
26. apa fungsi upload files dan upload folder dalam email??
mengirimkan file pada orang yang dituju.upload untuk mengirim berkas baik gambar suara atau dokumen
upload folder adalah tempat penampungan hasil upload
27. Silahkan unggah poster perbedaan pembelajaran jarak jauh sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti program Guru Belajar seri Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Upload your answer to this question.
kita harus menja ga jarak biar tidak terempeksi virus corona
1. 124³+2³:43²=1.906.624
2. 279²=77.841
1. =124×124×124=1.906.624
= 2×2×2=8
= 43×43=1.849
Semoga membantu
kalau soal Menghapus jawaban saya tidak tahu☺️
=1906624 + 8 ÷ 1849
279^2 = 77841
29. How to Upload Video to YOUTUBE using Your Mobile Phone (1) Open your video using video player on your device. (2) Press the SHARE button. Find the SHARE button on your device. (3) Select YOUTUBE from SHARE menu. Press the YOUTUBE button to share your video. You may need the sign in if necessary. (4) Give it a title. Type a descriptive and interesting title for your video. (5) Describe the video. Explain a short description about the video. (6) Tag the video. And tags in order to make the video appear in other viewers scarches. (7) Select the privacy setting. Choose whether the video will be uploaded publicly, privacy or unlisted. (8) Click the Upload or Publish setting. Once you have your privacy setting and description set, upload the video by clicking the Publish or Upload button. What should you do to modify the privacy settings of your video?
Cara Mengunggah Video ke YOUTUBE menggunakan Ponsel Anda (1) Buka video Anda menggunakan pemutar video di perangkat Anda. (2) Tekan tombol SHARE. Temukan tombol SHARE di perangkat Anda. (3) Pilih YOUTUBE dari menu SHARE. Tekan tombol YOUTUBE untuk membagikan video Anda. Anda mungkin perlu masuk jika perlu. (4) Beri judul. Ketikkan judul yang deskriptif dan menarik untuk video Anda. (5) Jelaskan videonya. Jelaskan deskripsi singkat tentang video tersebut. (6) Beri tag pada video. Dan tag untuk membuat video muncul di scarches pemirsa lain. (7) Pilih pengaturan privasi. Pilih apakah video akan diunggah untuk publik, privasi atau tidak terdaftar. (8) Klik pengaturan Unggah atau Publikasikan. Setelah setelan privasi dan deskripsi Anda ditetapkan, unggah video dengan mengklik tombol Publikasikan atau Unggah. Apa yang harus Anda lakukan untuk mengubah pengaturan privasi video Anda?
30. Penulisan yang benar mengupload atau meng-upload
Penulisan yang benar mengupload atau meng-upload adalah meng-upload. Penulisannya terpisah karena kata upload merupakan unsur dari bahasa asing (bahasa Inggris) yang digunakan secara langsung dan mendapatkan imbuhan meng-.
PembahasanDalam penulisan kata yang benar menggunakan kata hubung, terdapat ketentuan: Tanda hubung dipakai untuk merangkai unsur bahasa Indonesia dengan unsur bahasa daerah atau bahasa asing.
Jadi, penulisan yang benar adalah meng-upload.
Kata upload ditulis dengan huruf miring karena merupaka unsur bahasa asing.
Kata upload sendiri kata kerja atau verba dalam bahasa Inggris. Sehingga, kata meng-upload sendiri sudah salah kaprah atau tidak baku. Padanan kata upload dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah mengunggah.
Arti mengunggah adalah memberi berkas ke layanan informasi daring atau ke komputer lain dari komputer yang digunakan.
Lawan kata dari upload adalah download, yang padanannya dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah mengunduh.
Pelajari lebih lanjutPengertian upload dapat dilihat di
Pengertian upload dan download dapat dilihat di
Arti upload file dalam istilah e-mail dapat dilihat di
Detail JawabanKelas: -
Mapel: Bahasa Indonesia
Bab: Kata Hubung
Kode: -