How To Open Apk On Mac

How To Open Apk On Mac

How do you want to open this file?Look for an app in the StoreMore apps:✓ Always use Nis app to open .apk files​

Daftar Isi

1. How do you want to open this file?Look for an app in the StoreMore apps:✓ Always use Nis app to open .apk files​


Apa ini


2. how to open the chest​


use the key


Jadikan jawaban terbaik ea

3. how to open an inteview

"excuse me,hallo my name is ...."

smoga membantu!

hello everyone my name is....... my Nick name......

good help

4. Indri: ..... show me how to open an email acount. Ratih: sure I'll show you how. Jawabnya

Indri: Ratih, will you show me how to open an email account?

memakai will you karena Ratih menjawab "Sure I will show you how"jawaban: Will you

Indri: will you show me how to open an email acount.
= maukah kamu menunjukkan bagaimana cara membuka akun email padaku?

Ratih: sure I'll show you how.
= Tentu aku akan menunjukkan padamu caranya

I'll = I will

semoga membantu

5. sebutkan sistem operasi MAC OS yang termasuk ke dalam open source dan close source( minimal 5)?

LINUX dan UNIX , wkkwkwk cuma 2 doank yang gw tau

6. How to open and close the announcement?

arti pertanyaan : Cara membuka dan menutup pengumuman?

jawaban :

Kalimat awal dalam sebuah announcement sangat penting untuk menarik perhatian pembaca, kalimat awal sebaiknya tidak langsung masuk kedalam pokok permasalahan, karena jika itu terjadi maka para pembaca announcement tidak akan lagi membaca sampai ke akhir announcement tersebut. Dari announcement di atas kita tahu bahwa kalimat awal yang dipakai adalah MOVING DAY IS HERE!!! Kalimat ini bisa jadi sebagai kalimat pembuka, juga bisa jadi menunjukkan maksud atau tujuan dari announcement ini dibuat.

7. program apk pengolah kata yg sifatnya open source

kalo nggak salah kingsoft office

8. How to open a savings account?


kayak nya tolong saya membuka pintu ini

9. weed pues make up so vo posee an open it in front of the class - How to try half thed egg How to pair a speaker to me PC How to make a sandwich How to operate a drone op agrono e peop a mон​


Dari Tulisan tersebut Inggris ke indonesia

weed pues make up so vo posee an buka di depan kelas - Cara mencoba setengah telur Cara memasangkan speaker ke saya PC Cara membuat sandwich Cara mengoperasikan drone op agrono e peop a mон.



10. Read aloud expression! 1. Look at the window !2. shut the door !3. How to wear t-shirt ! 4. How to open the window !5. How to use the box !plis jawab kak​


Read aloud expression!

1. Look at the window !

2. shut the door !

3. How to wear t-shirt !

4. How to open the window !

5. How to use the box !

Bacalah dengan keras ekspresi!

1. Lihat ke jendela!

2. tutup pintunya!

3. Cara memakai kaos !

4. Cara membuka jendela !

5. Cara menggunakan kotak!

11. 10. Annisa : can you ... me how to open an email account?​




Annisa : Can you help me how to open an email account?



* can you teach me how to open an email account?

* dapatkah Anda mengajari saya cara membuka akun email?

12. 1.What is ” How are you?” and how to respon it. 2.How to say “ Good morning, good afternoon, good night, good evening” ( open dictionary)tolong di jawab ya kak ​


Apa itu "Bagaimana kabarmu?" dan bagaimana menanggapinya. 2.Bagaimana cara mengucapkan “Selamat pagi, selamat siang, selamat malam, selamat malam” (buka kamus) tolong dijawab ya kak


1. "How are you?" merupakan sebuah pertanyaan menanyakan kabar jika diterjemahkan ke Indonesia maka menjadi "Bagaimana kabarmu?". Nah jika ditanyakan kabar, jawaban atau respon yang memungkinkan adalah bisa menggunakan respon "i'm fine thank you" atau "yeah good" atau jika sedang ada apa- apa bisa menggunakan "i am not okay" atau "i have a sore throat" jika sedang sakit.

2. Untuk "Good morning" ini pengucapannya hanya untuk menyapa seseorang pada pagi hari, untuk "Good afternoon" menyapa seseorang pada siang hari, untuk "Good evening" menyapa seseorang pada malam hari, dan terakhir untuk "Good night" untuk mengatakan perpisahan di malam hari ketika hendak pergi tidur.


13. How long does the park open on September

Berapa lama taman dibuka pada bulan September?

14. The banks... On sundays. a. don't openb. doesn't openc. isn't opend. aren't open​


C. isn't open

maaf klu salah :(

Jawaban: d. aren't open


15. the banks...on openb.not openc.don't opend.doesn't open​


C. don't open


Karena "open" adalah verb, yang mana jika dalam negative sentence, memerlukan kata bantu do/does. Karena kalimat tersebut subjectnya "the banks" , berarti subject tersebut adalah subject jamak, karena ada tambahan +s di ujung subject.

Penggunaan do/does berdasarkan subject :

do ---> i, you, they, we (subject jamak)

does ---> she, he, it (subject tunggal)

note : jika ada benda yang memiliki +s di ujungnya, maka termasuk subject jamak, jadi memakai kata bantu do.

Semoga membantu~


16. how to open a door and being a cool person​


» terjemahan «

bagaimana membuka pintu dan menjadi orang yang keren

[tex]{\boxed{ \tt \: Answer By:\boxed{ \tt \: MathBrainly}}}[/tex]

17. How to respon for this: your collegue wants to open a new branch office in a remote area

Fo sure ma nigga! Hell yeah i want dat

18. Choose the right answer !Someone is knocking on the door. Ok, I ...........(open) it.a. will be openingb. am going to openc. will opend. am going to do the openinge. will to open​

Jawabannya yang bagian:

C. Will open

Maaf klo salah :(

19. How to prevent open burning

bagaimana mencegah pembakaran terbuka. itu artinya, semoga membantu ^_^


What is the purpose of this guide?

The purpose of this guide is to describe the problems of open burning and explain the provisions for its control under the Air Pollution Control (Open Burning) Regulation. Copies of the Regulation are on sale at the Publications Sales Section of the Information Services Department (ISD) and the online Government Bookstore at Also, they can be found on the website of the Bilingual Laws Information at Enquiries concerning the Regulation may be made to the Regional Offices and their addresses are given in the Annex.

2 What is Open Burning?

Open burning means burning of any materials in the open air without any enclosure nor any chimney to direct the smoke away so generated. For example, recovering metal from used electric wires or tyres, and disposal of wastes in construction sites and countryside by open burning are the common malpractice.

3 How does it affect us?

Open burning of wastes generates excessive emissions of pollutants such as dense and odorous smoke, dust, and toxic fumes. These emissions often cause serious nuisances and may threaten the health of the people in the neighbourhood.

4 How do we deal with the problem?

The Air Pollution Control (Open Burning) Regulation is introduced to prohibit open burning of construction waste, tyres, and open burning for the salvage of metal. Under very special circumstances where open burning is absolutely necessary to be carried out, the burning operation will be subjected to the control of a permit. Some open burning activities not causing any substantial emissions are exempted from the control of the Regulation.

5 May I still barbecue in designated barbecue sites?

Yes, you may still enjoy barbecue. The following open burning activities are exempted from the control of the Regulation:

burning of incense, candle sticks, joss paper for ritual purposes

fires for cooking of food such as barbecue for amenity purposes

fires set for fire testing, training and education by any Government fire fighting force or agency

agricultural burning of materials grown on site, solely for weeding, land disinfection, pest control, or burning to make firebreaks in the countryside

open burning required for emergency situations to ensure public safety

6 What types of open burning activities are prohibited?

Open burning activities for the following purposes are prohibited:

the disposal of construction waste

the clearance of a site in preparation for construction work

the disposal of tyres

the salvage of metal

7 Under what circumstances can I obtain a permit?

The purpose of the Regulation is to stop all open burning. Therefore, a permit will be granted only if the Authority is fully satisfied that there is no viable alternative to achieve the purpose. If such a case arises, you may obtain the application form and submit it to any of our Regional Offices as listed in the Annex. A fee of $2,250 will be charged for each application.

8 What are the penalties?

You will be liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 on first conviction, plus $500 for every 15 minutes for which the offence continues. For subsequent conviction, you will be liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 and 3-month imprisonment, plus $500 for every 15 minutes for which the offence continues.

9 How can I help protect the environment?

As a member of society, you can help protect the environment by refraining from carrying out prohibited open burning activities, and to advise your staff and others to abide by the regulation. Any waste should be properly disposed of at landfills or recycled at a recycling plant with emission control equipment. If you notice any open burning activities, please report the incident to our Regional Offices (see Annex) immediately so that our enforcement staff can take necessary legal action under the Regulation to stop further burning

20. How to open and close an invitation letter?

in lift or lowered kalau arti dari how to open and close an invitation latter adalah bagaimana cara membuka dan menutup surat undangan

dan maaf kalau salah

21. X : i don't know how to open this rubbish bin. y: .... your foot to push this pedal. the lid will open. x : wow! interesting! so i don't .... use my hand to open the lid. y: right. it's a good invention.


X : i don't know how to open this rubbish bin.

y: POINT your foot to push this pedal. the lid will open.

x : wow! interesting!

so i don't HAVE TO use my hand to open the lid.

y: right. it's a good invention.

22. Daniel asks Sarah to teaceh how to open an email​


Daniel meminta Sarah untuk mengajari cara membuka email

Cara membuka email:

Cara membuka email di laptop Buka browser dan ketikan URL di bagian address bar. Klik link Login. Ketikan alamat email Gmail kamu dan klik tombol Berikutnya. Masukan kata sandi dan tekan enter. Email gmail akan terbuka jika alamat email dan kata sandi yang kamu masukan benar.


Maaf kalau salah

Jika benar tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik yaaa

23. tolong buatin cara membuka mp3 pke bahasa inggris procedure text how to operate open mp3 player

First, click the menu. Then, choose music, Finally, you can listen music

24. 1.What is ” How are you?” and how to respon it2.How to say “ Good morning, good afternoon, good night, good evening” ( open dictionary)tolong di jawab ya kak ​


1. How are you artinya apa kabarmu.

Dan cara menjawabnya adalah "i'm fine, thankyou. How about you?"

2. Good morning diucapkan ketika pagi. Good afternoon diucap ketika siang hari. Good night diucapkan ketika malam hari. Good evening diucapkan ketika malam hari juga.

Semoga membantu ya. Maaf banget kalo salah.

25. write down the expression used how to open a speech​

Jawabannya adalah :

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, November 10, we must know that our predecessors had fought and sacrificed their whole body and soul to drive the invaders out of our land, Indonesia. They valiantly fought against the allied forces that continued to bombarded Surabaya land, sea and air. But their determination was never loosed and they still dare to fight for this nation’s dignity. Even though they were outnumbered, didn’t have enough weaponry, but they remain united in order to reach the goal of the independence of Indonesia.

Therefore, on this 10th of November, I will deliver a short speech in order to commemorate the Heroes Day so that we can follow the spirit of their struggle to fill the independence that has been passed on to us today. Before, let us together fire the spirit of the heroes who have inherited to us.

Semoga Bermanfaat

26. DateHow many kinds are there OF Fried banana ?Is there Strawberry bananaWhat day do the school canteen open ?How long the canteen open ?How much does it cost to buy two Packs !​



Ada berapa jenis pisang goreng?

Apakah ada strawberry pisang?

Hari apa kantin sekolah buka?

Berapa biaya untuk membeli 2 paket!


maaf kalo salah

27. how to open an interview and close an interview

kalau close nya "nice to meet you..."

°First things first, don't panic!

°Ask questions.

°Confront any issues.

°Remind them of your key skills.

°Remind them that you're passionate about the role.

°Ask about the next steps.

°Ask if they'd like any more information.

°End on a polite note.

28. Salma: I don't know how to open this rubbish bin

Salma : saya tidak tahu bagaimana cara membuka tempat sampah ini

29. can you show me how to open this can apa artinya?

Bisakah kamu menunjukkan kepadakaku bagaimana membuka kaleng ini?Dapatkah kamu memperlihatkan saya bagaimana cara membuka benda ini

30. How to Overcome Can't Open Browser??Is My Phone Broken?5 Points​




Restart your handphone, then open the browser again

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