How To Build Apk

How To Build Apk

3. Howlong dd toto build stonotonganteks stonehenge​

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1. 3. Howlong dd toto build stonotonganteks stonehenge​

I don't understand what the answer is but I answer as best I can

2. how long did it take to build the library

*How long does it take to build the library?

3. How to build commercial aircraft dlm bhs indonesia artinya


bagaimana membangun pesawat komersial?


jadikan jawaban tercerdas

kmu dapat 3 poin

Bagaimana membangun pesawat komersial


4. how can we build the sentences


apa yang terdapat alam paragraf tersebut?


itu artinya

5. how can i build self - confidence? give Advice/Suggestions

Well, for starters you could do something that everyone can't, an example of this is being Determined on a subject that you know or mastered like Drawing while some your friends can't. This will build a little self-confidence or Determination of yourself.
and little by little you will feel that self confidence that you wanted to feel.
(I'm talking from experience so I hope this helps :D)The first one is, don't compare yourself with others. You know, if you're comparing yourself with others you would feel small. Be positive by killing negative thoughts such as 'I'm not worth it' or 'I'm not smart', etc. Just don't think about begative thoughts that makes you feel small and depressed. Also, always be grateful and keep smile. That way you'll get your confidence, little by little


How long does it take build bridge?
(berapa lamakah membangun jembatan?)


7. 1. What is the advertisement about?How to influence peopleHow to build positive relationshipsAn exclusive workshop on 31 July.All people who need cheap partyA trainer, Eric Sinaga​

The advertisement is about Eric Sinaga, a trainer.

maaf kalau salah

8. Sam : how long …..that castle? Jim : It took twelve years to build it. Select one: a. are they building b. do they build c. did they build d. will they build e. have they built


Sam : How long did they build that castle?

Jim : It took twelve years to build it.


Kata kunci agar dapat menjawab isian tersebut adalah took. Took adalah kata kerja bentuk kedua dari kata kerja take.

     Tense yang menggunakan kata kerja bentuk kedua adalah simple past tense. Dengan begitu, kata kerja bantu yang digunakan adalah did, bukan are, bukan do, bukan will, dan bukan have.

9. Instructions - Soekarno - Monas - build - to - gave​


soekarno give instructions to build monas


jadikan jawaban yg terbaik

mengurutkan kalimat yang benar


Kalimat acak

Instructions - Soekarno - Monas - build - to - gave

Kalimat yang benar

Soekarno memberi instruksi untuk membangun monas

In English

Soekarno gave Instructions to build Monas


gunakan atau sesuaikan dengan kalimat-kalimat tertentu dalam menyusun kalimat-kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris

Answer by AlfiAp

10. TOLONKK BUTUH CEpatPada proses finishing sebuah aplikasi di mit app inventor 2 , sebelum menekan menu build apk, user diwajibkan untuk menjalankan file cmd build server terlebih dahulu, telaah tujuan aplikasi mengharuskan user untuk menjalankan build server terlebih dahulu sebelum build apk! Brainly



Penjelasan:maksud nya apa?

11. Lengkapilah soal di bawah ini............Sand do you need to build a sandcastleA)How manyB)How muchbeserta alasannya much

Karena how much digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah yg tidak bisa dihitung secara langsung, misalnya:

-how much sugar do you need?

Two spoons of sugar

-How much is the book?


Sementara how many digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah yg dapat dihitung secara langsung, misalnya:

-How many pencil do you have?

Three pencil.

-how many boys have give you flowers?

Ten boys. (OHHHHH)

Jadi jawabannya adalah how much.


12. apakah benar kata di bawah ini? How do you fell about of people burn the forest to build houses. Dan terjemahkanlah artinya yang benar

artinya ,"Bagaimana Anda jatuh tentang orang membakar hutan untuk membangun rumah "

menurut sya kalimat b.inggrisnya kurang tepatt
jdi artinyapun jd slah²

13. Underline the sequence adverb in the following text. How To Build A Website Using WordPress


Garis bawahi kata keterangan urutan di teks berikut. Cara Membangun Situs Web Menggunakan WordPress


karena saya bingung kagak tau mau diapain jadi saya artiin aja yah semoga membantu

maaf ya klo gak bisa jawab

14. People build dams in river to..​


A dam is built to control water through placement of a blockage of earth, rock and/or concrete across a stream or river. Dams are usually constructed to store water in a reservoir, which is then used for a variety of applications such as irrigation and municipal water supplies.



15. how many canals were build by the former governor

Berapa banyak kanal yang dibangun oleh mantan gubernur tersebut?

Translation: berapa banyak kanal yang dibangun oleh mantan gubernur?

Jawaban mungkin ada di teks.

16. apa perbedaan are going to build, will be building, will build?

kalo dia pake going to berarti kegiatan itu sdh di rencanakan.
kalo will be kegiatan itu dilakukan dg spontan.

17. Task 11underline the sequence adverb in the following to build a website using wordpress!!help me!:)gomawo​


tolong jawab sesuai Examples

Activity 7

Write the sentences (affirmative,negative and interrogative) based on the clues given. Use the correct Form of the verb and correct punctuation. Do like the examples. Write them in your book.

Examples: a general election a - we - carry out - every five years - every three years

(+) we carry out a general election every five years.

(-) we don't carry out general election every three years.

(?) Do we carry out a general election every five years?Yes,we do.

(?) Do we carry out a general election every three years?No,we don't.

1. celebrate - we - every april 21st - kartini's Day - mother's Day

2. a mother - love - always - her children - hate

3.wild animals - the tigers - domesticated animals - are


4. the sun - The earth - orbit - the moon

5. take shape of - the water - its container - expand

18. how was about the total cost to build the complex?​


For the building of an apartment building with twelve units, the typical costs include: Utilizing mid-range materials, a normal foundation with full basement, efficient doors and windows, all appliances, and "turnkey" finishing would run at an average of $64,575 to $86,100 per unit to complete.


19. Sam : How long .... that castle?Jim : it took twelve years of old to build they buildb.are they buildingc.did they buildd.will they builde.have they build

C.did they build
how long did they build

:(sorry if wrong

20. Imagine you were going to design your own parade float. What would it look like? How would you build it?


Secure materials and location for building the cant learn how to build a parade float without the right materials, build a framework,have fun decorating.


maaf kalau salah.

21. How long did it take to build Stonehenge? How many stones stand in the circle? Where is this place?

How long = 1 thousand year (maybe)
How many stone = more than 7
Where = Wiltshire, England

22. How do you want to open this file?Look for an app in the StoreMore apps:✓ Always use Nis app to open .apk files​


Apa ini


23. sam :how long........that chateau?Jim:it took twelve years to build you build b.are they buildingc.did they build d. will they build e. have they build jelaskan alasannya. knp bisa km milih jawaban itu ​


C. did they build

( In English )How long did they build that chateau?

(In Indonesian) Berapa lama mereka membangun chateau itu?

Did dipakai untuk menanyakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi atau sudah dilakukan.

24. 1. How old is Stonehenge ? 2. How long did it take to build Stonehenge ?3. How many Stones stand on the circle ?4. Where ia the place ?

1. The age of Stonehenge is 5,000 years older
2. For centuries, historians and archaeologists have puzzled over the many mysteries of Stonehenge, the prehistoric monument that took Neolithic builders an estimated 1,500 years to erect.
3. Stonehenge itself consists of thirty upright stones (sarsens) with a very large size (each stone was originally uniform in height, which is 10 meters with each stone weighing 26 tons), all upright stones are arranged in an upright circular shape known as megalithic.
4. It is located adjacent to Amesbury in Wiltshire, England, about 13 kilometers northwest of Salisbury

25. build dialogue to motivate other people


Elsa:"Don't desperate like this,Elsa.
I am so sure that you will be able to face your problem.

But...,my problem is so hard.

Elsa:"don't worry. You aren't alone.
I am here with you. You have to keep on moving and struggling.



26. Who have intruction to build monas

Yang memberi petunjuk untuk membangun monas.


Construction began in 1961 under the direction of President Soekarno

27. 4. They...a new road in Makasar a Will build b. Are build c. Are going to build​


c. Are going to build


maaf kak jika salah semoga membantu

28. how much money does the man need to build his house​


berapa uang yang dibutuhkan pria itu untuk membangun rumahnya


tidak ada penjelasan

29. how many stones were needed to build this borobudur temple?​


Balok batu berukuran sekitar 25×10×15cm

Beratnya diperkirakan 7,5-10kg

Jumlah balok batu diperkirakan 2 juta balok batu

Proses pembuatan dan penyusunan 2.000.000 ÷ 7.665 = 261 balok batu/hari

30. What is the meaning of rule of law and How to build rule of law in Indonesia ?​


What is meaning =

the rule of law implies that the creation of laws, their enforcement, and the relationships among legal rules are themselves legally regulated, so that no one—including the most highly placed official—is above the law

How to = Making the Indonesian state a constitutional state and everything has its own laws which must be obeyed by all the people and leaders of the Indonesian state

sori kalo slah

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