Harvest Moon Lil Farmers Apk

Harvest Moon Lil Farmers Apk

apa bahasa inonesianya HARVEST MOON

Daftar Isi

1. apa bahasa inonesianya HARVEST MOON

mengambil bulan/mencabut bulanBahasa Indonesianya Harvest Moon adalah Bulan Panen (maksudnya waktu untuk panen)

2. the farmers (harvest) the paddy happily​


verb 1 harvest, verb 2 harvested, verb 3 harvested

gitu bukan? pke verb 3


~ Beli makanan di supermarket
~ Disebelah kolam ada tempat dari kayu tekan X lalu muncul makanan bawa dan masukkan kekolam

Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan :)

4. Corn planting begins with sowing seeds. After three to four days the plants appear on the ground. Farmers can harvest corn after the plants are three and a half months old. This is the phase where farmers grow corn.The main idea of ​​the paragraph is … *


jawaban nya adalah Corn planting begins with sowing seeds. After three to four days the plants appear on the ground.


alasan nya adalah Penanaman jagung dimulai dengan menabur benih. Setelah tiga hingga empat hari tanaman muncul di tanah. itu gagasan utama nya.

semoga bermanfaat ya

5. uraian islam lil alamin bukan lil muslimin​


Rahmatan lil ‘alamin merupakan kehadiran Islam dalammemberi arti kepada dunia tanpa melihat batas batas kepentingan dan simbolis simbolis agama yang selama ini telah membelenggu dirinya.Mereduksi Islam hanya pada “tata cara beribadah” saja dapat menyulitkan Islam dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan dunia yang sangat dinamis serta mengingkari Islam sebagai agama Rahmatan lil ‘alamin.


maaf kalau salah follow aku follback :)

6. Which of the following are compound words, which are phrases words and which are phrasal words? A. Moonlight, moonscape, harvest moon, blue moon (as in once is a blue moon) b, pencil case, eyebrow pencil, pencil sharpener, pencil-thin, thin air (as they vanished into thin air)


Manakah dari berikut ini yang merupakan kata majemuk, yang merupakan kata frasa dan yang merupakan kata frasa? A.Cahaya bulan, pemandangan bulan, bulan panen, bulan biru (seperti dulu adalah bulan biru) b, tempat pensil, pensil alis, rautan pensil, setipis pensil, udara tipis (seperti menghilang ke udara tipis)

7. This year farmers failed to harvest due to floods tolong carikan dalm bentuk kalimat positif,negatif dan tanya dalam b. inggris

( + ) This year farmers failed to harvest due to floods
( - ) This year farmers didnt fail to harvest due to floods
( ? ) Did farmers fail to harvest due to floods?

8. we are...the paddy in the fielda.go to harvestb.gone to harvestc.going to harvestd.went to harvesttolong dijawab ya kak​




are going to harvest

semoga membantu





9. 10. Farmers usually harvest theirfruits ....a. at the beginning of dry seasonb. in the middle of rainy seasonc. at the end of dry season​

Jawabannya A

Maap Kalo Salah


Kalo Mau Lebih Jelas Mending Ditranslate Ke Bahasa Indonesia Dulu Baru Dikerjakan

10. fill with derivative of" fertilize"1.the farmers need ...... to improve their harvest

The farmers need fertilizer to improve their harvest.


11. E. National HotelQuestions no. 15 and 16 refer to the following textFarmer in Lampung and West Java are likely to face difficulties with rice harvest in the nexttwo month because hundreds of thousands of hectare rice field have been under threar froma long drought. Therefore, the goverment has started worrying the two provinces15 What is the text about?A. the next rice harvestB farmers in LampungC. rice fieldsD possible failure in the next harvestE. farmers in West Java16. What threatened the rice fields?A. a long droughtB. the rainy seasonC. wet fieldsD. next harvestE. difficult farmersata​

15. A. the next rice harvest

16. A. a long drought

semoga membantu

12. Ubah menjadi kalimat negative dan introgative Yhe farmers are going to harvest tice next month

(-) the famers are not goingto harvest tive next month. (?)are the fatmers go to harvest tice next month(-) The farmers aren't going to harvest tice next month.

(?) Are the farmers going to harvest tice next month?

13. apakah arti dari Isim isyarah lil mufrad ,lilmusannadanlil Jam'i?​


isim isyarah itu artinya kata tunjuk ( ini dan itu)


lil mufrad untuk menunjukkan satu benda

lil musanna untuk menunjukkan dua benda

lil jam'i untuk menunjukkan lebih dari dua benda (jama')



Ism isyarah adalah Ism yg digunakan untuk menunjuk sesuatu yang jauh maupun yang dekat.

Sedangkan makna Lil mufrod : Yg digunakan untuk Ism mufrod / yg berjumlah satu.

Contoh : هذا كتاب

- Lil mutsanna : Yg digunakan untuk Ism mutsanna / yg berjumlah dua. Tanda Ism mutsanna adalah terdapat Alif dan nun / yaa dan nun diakhir kata.

Contoh : هذان كتابان

- Lil Jama' : Yg digunakan untuk Ism jama'. Jama' terbagi menjadi tiga yaitu jama'mudzakkar Salim, muannats salim, dan taksir.

Contoh : هؤلاء مهندسون.

14. ini gimana ini tentang isim isyarah lil mufrad, lil musanna,lil jam'i plz jawab besok dikumpul ​


١. هذه كُرَّاسَةٌ

٢. هتان كراستانِ

٣. ذانك طَالِبَانِ

٤. ذلك قَلَمٌ

٥. أولئك طُلَّابٌ


Semoga Membantu

15. What threatened the rice fields? a. a long drought b. the rainy season c. wet fields d. next harvest e. difficult farmers


A. A Long Drought


A long drought threatens rice plants.

Semoga Membantu

Maaf Kalau Salah

Yuk Belajar

Jadikan Jawaban Tercerdas


a. a long drought (kemarau pajang)


semoga bermanfaat ;)

16. Kuis Moon= 100tentukan moon × moon​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:















Soal :

moon = 100

Tentukan Moon × moon

Penyelesaian :

moon = 100

moon × moon

= 100 × 100

= (1×1) × 10.000

= 1 × 10.000

= 10.000 Hasil Dari moon × moon

17. ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi kalimat pengandaian Tipe 1 2 dan 3 1.the Farmers (enjoy) their Harvest if they (fertilize) the field sustainability

The fatmers will enjoy their harvest if they fertilizered the field sustainability

2. The farners would enjoy their harvest if they have fertilizered the field sustainability.

3. The farmers would have enjoyed their harvest if they had fertilzered the field sustainability

18. isian dari kalimat rumpang berikut" ... (2)the farmers had just had their best harvest

all the farmers had just had their best harvest

19. 6. What threatened the rice fields?a. a long droughtb. the rainy seasonc. wet fieldsd. next harveste. difficult farmers​


E.difficult farmers


ya artinya dibuat petani

sorry kalo salah

20. Write in the present perfect tense. 1. The farmers ( plant) corn The farmers have planted corn The farmers have not planted corn Have the farmers planted corn? 2. Mr Bimo (go) to the rice field3. They (harvest) their crop.4. Pedro (see) the rice field.5. The children (play) in the village,Tolong di jawab ya guys!!!​

2. mr bimo (go) to the rice field.

(+) mr bimo has gone to the rice field.

(-) mr bimo hasn't gone to the rice field.

(?) has mr bimo gone to the rice field?

3. they (harvest) their crop.

(+) they have harvested their crop.

(-) they haven't harvested their crop.

(?) have they harvested their crop?

4. pedro (see) the rice field.

(+) pedro has seen the rice field.

(-) pedro hasn't seen the rice field.

(?) has pedro seen the rice field?

5. the children (play) in the village

(+) the children have played in the village.

(-) the children haven't played in the village.

(?) have the children played in the village?


(+) s + have/has + v3

(-) s + haven't / hasn't + v3

(?) have/has + s + v3 ?

21. 5 fakta tentang kemunculan bulan purnama harvest moon​


Bulan tertutup langit


Maaf kalo salah

22. The farmers are going to harvest rice next month gantikan ke kalimat negatif dan positif

(+) The farmers are going to harvest rice next month.

(-) The farmers are not going to harvest rice next month.

(?) Are the farmers going to harvest rice next month?

(-) the farmer are not going to be harvest rich next month
(+) the farmer are going to be harvest rice next month

23. 1.The farmers (plan) corn. The farmers have planted corn. The farmers have not planted corn. Have the farmers pelanted corn? 2. Mr.Sadinu (go) to the right field. ______________________________________________ 3. They (Harvest) their crop. ______________________________________________ 4. Pedro(see) the rice field. ______________________________________________ 5. The children (play) in the village. ______________________________________________ Tolong dijawab ya hariini mau dikumpul


2. Mr. Sadinu has gone to the right field.

Mr. Sadinu hasn't gone to the right field.

has Mr. Sadinu gone to the right field?

3. They have harvested their crop.

They haven't harvested their crop.

have they harvested their crop?

4. Pedro has seen the rice field.

Pedro hasn't seen the rice field.

has Pedro seen the rice field?

5. The children have played in the village.

The children haven't played in the village.

have the children played in the village?


present perfect tense:


subject + have/has + verb 3 + object

subject + have/has + not + verb 3 + object

have/has + subject + verb 3 + object?

i hope it helps you!

24. The farmers are going to harvest rice next month gantikan ke kalimat negatif dan positif

The farmer aren't going to harvest rice next month
The farmer are going to harvest rice next month
Is farmer going to harvest rice next month ?

25. 1.Europe has ...... Seasons 2.Many people like sun bath at the beach in ..... 3.Farmers Harvest their pumpkins in .... 4.In Europe, Christiani celebrates Christmas in ......


1. Four (4)



no2 sama 3 gak tau maaf

26. Apakah yg dimaksud dengan Isyarah Lil Baid dan Lil Qarib​

Isim Isyarah merupakan kata tunjuk, atau kata penghubung untuk menunjukan sesuatu.

sedangkan lil baid artinnya ; ba'id- jauh

dan lil qorib: qorib- dekat

27. Ubah menjadi kalimat negative dan introgative The farmers are going to harvest rice next month

(+) The farmers are going to harvest rice next month.
(-) The farmers are not going to harvest rice next month.
(?) Are the farmers going to harvest rice next month?(-) The farmers are not going to harvest rice next month
(?) Are the farmers going to harvest rice next month?

28. harvest-the farmers-their platsusunlah menjadi kalimat yang benar dan artikan dalam bahasa indonesia

The farmers harvest their plant, artinya para petani memanen tumbuhan mereka

29. What threatened the rice fields? A .along drought B.the Rain season C.wet fields D.next harvest E.difficult farmers

A. a long drought = kemarau panjang

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