Guava Juice Tub Tapper Apk

Guava Juice Tub Tapper Apk

Mrs. George likes …..a.Orange juice b. avocado juice c. melon juice d. guava juice​

Daftar Isi

1. Mrs. George likes …..a.Orange juice b. avocado juice c. melon juice d. guava juice​


a.Orange juice maap maap ni kalo salah yekan

2. Juice healt good is guava our for

jus jambu biji baik untuk keshatan
Guava juice is good for our health (jus jambu baik untuk kesehatan kita)

3. procedure text how to make guava juice dan artinya

prosedur pada teks.Bagaimana untuk membuat jus jambu bijiBagaimana cara membuat jus guava

Semoga membantu

4. Guava artinya.............​


Jambu biji

tugas kah? kok anehh yaa pertanyaanya

5. based on a survey from 42 student,22student lije guava juice,14student like mango juice.the number of student who don't like both is twice of those who like many student who only like guava juice?

42- (22+14) = 42-36 = 6
22- (14+6) = 22-20 = 2

6. blend the guava artinya?​


menghaluskan jambu batu


haluskan jambu biji maaf klau salah

7. your mother has got a lot of ripe guava from her garden. She plans to make them juice. Help her writing the good recipe of guava juice. Don't forget stating the goal, the ingredients and methods!​

How to make guava juice


1 cup peeled and chopped pink guavas.1 teaspoon sugar.1/2 cup cold water.Ice cubes.


Wash several pink guavas. Use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin and then chop the guavas.Put the chopped guava into a blender. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1/2 cup of cold water. Put the lid on the blender.Blend the guava mixture just until the guava is smooth and mixed with the water. Scoop the guava mixture into the strainer and use a spoon to push the mixture through it gently.Place several ice cubes into 2 small serving glasses. Pour the strained guava juice into the glasses and serve it immediately.


Terjemahan teks prosedur

Cara membuat jus jambu biji


1 cangkir jambu biji merah muda yang sudah dikupas dan dipotong-potong.1 sendok teh gula pasir.1/2 cangkir air dingin.Es batu.


Cuci bersih beberapa buah jambu biji merah muda. Gunakan pengupas sayuran untuk membuang kulitnya, lalu potong jambu biji.Masukkan jambu biji yang sudah dipotong-potong ke dalam blender. Tambahkan 1 sendok teh gula dan 1/2 cangkir air dingin. Tutup blender.Blender campuran jambu biji hanya sampai jambu biji halus dan tercampur dengan air. Sendokkan campuran jambu biji ke dalam saringan dan gunakan sendok untuk mendorong campuran dengan lembut.Masukkan beberapa es batu ke dalam 2 gelas saji kecil. Tuang jus jambu biji yang sudah disaring ke dalam gelas dan segera sajikan.

Teks diatas merupakan contoh teks prosedur atau procedure text. Procedure text merupakan jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berisi instruksi dari suatu proses pembuatan barang. Tujuan penulisan teks ini yakni menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu dibuat melalui urutan kegiatan atau langkah-langkah tertentu.

Dalam penulisan procedure text, terdapat generic structure yang digunakan yakni:

Goal, berisi informasi mengenai tujuan dan kesimpulan dari prosedur yang dituliskan. Biasanya terdapat pada judul teks.Ingredients/Materials, berisi bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat atau memproses suatu benda.Steps, berisi urutan instruksi dalam urutan langkah yang dituliskan dengan benar.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang contoh soal procedure text: tentang procedure text cara membuat ondel ondel: tentang procedure text membuat susu coklat:


Detail jawaban  

Kelas: 12

Mapel: B.Inggris

Bab: Reading procedural text

Kode: 12.5.8


8. My little brother likes todrink a glass of ...a. coffeeb. orange juiceC. guava juiced. milk​


b. orange juice

ada cerita nya ga

9. your mother has got a lot of ripe guava from her garden. she plants to make them juice. help her writing the good recipe of guava juice. don't forget stating the goal the ingredients and methods​



Goal: To make a delicious guava juice


- 4 large ripe guavas

- 2 cups of water

- 1 tablespoon sugar

- 2 tablespoons honey

- Juice of a lemon


1. Wash and rinse the guavas.

2. Cut the guavas in half and remove the seeds.

3. Put the guavas, water, sugar, honey and lemon juice into a blender and blend until smooth.

4. Pour the mixture through a sieve to separate out any remaining seeds or pieces of skin.

5. Pour the juice into glasses and serve chilled. Enjoy!


Penjelasan:Guava Juice Recipe:

Purpose: To make a refreshing and delicious guava juice


1 kg ripe and soft guavas

500 ml water

1 teaspoon sugar (optional)


Clean the guavas by washing them under running water.

Cut the guavas into small pieces.

Place the guava pieces into a blender or food processor.

Add water to the blender.

Blend the guavas and water until smooth.

Strain the blended guava juice using a strainer or a cheesecloth.

If the juice is too sour, you can add a little sugar to taste.

Pour the guava juice into glasses or bottles, then store in the fridge until chilled before serving.

As an alternative, you can also add some other ingredients to the guava juice, such as ice cubes or a few tablespoons of yogurt to give it a richer flavor. Enjoy!

donate seribuanya pliss kk

10. 1. Why does her sister go to the market?2. What fruits does her sister buy?3. Who likes orange juice?4. Who likes guava juice?5. Who likes apple?​


1.why no


3.yes who like orange juice

5.yes who like fruit apple

11. Narrator : What will the woman do?A. Take a guava juice.B. Order an orange juice,C. Try an ice tea.D. Order a cola float.E. Drink mineral bottled water,Terjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia​


Narator : Apa Yang Akan Di Lakukan Wanita ( Apa yang akan dipesan wanita itu )

A. Membeli Jus Jambu

B. Memesan Just Jeruk

C.Mencoba es teh

D. Memesan Cola Float

E. Meminum Air mineral kemasan

Jawabnnya Yang D

12. apa artinya tub dalam bahasa inggris

Arti tub adalah bak mandijawabannya  Bak Mandi

maaf kalo salah

13. Susun kembalai kata kta berikut menjadi kalimat yng baik like-guava-you-do-juice





Do you like guava juice?

14. 3. combine the two sentence intro form of positive degree!contoh: Rina is weak Hendra is weak.jawab : Rina is as weak as Hendra.Question: Orange juice is nice Guava juice is nicejawab : Terimakasih!​


1) A. Stronger

2) C. The most clever

3) Orange juice is as nice as Guava juice

15. mengapa tub teringgiling lunar ?

karena untuk memudahkan tubuh trenggiling saat menggelinding dan melindungi tubuh nya

16. Combine the two sentencesOrange juice is nice. Guava Juice is niceAnswer:​


Orange juice is as nice as Guava juice.


Degree of Comparison

Degree of comparison merupakan bentuk adjective (kata sifat) atau adverb (kata keterangan) yang menyatakan perbandingan. Ada tiga degree of comparison, yaitu: positive, comparative, dan superlative degree.

Positive Degree

Ketika digunakan untuk menyatakan perbandingan, positive degree harus digunakan bersama correlative conjunction as … as. Positive degree berupa bentuk standar adjective dan adverb tanpa perubahan apapun.

Comparative Degree

Comparative degree digunakan untuk membandingkan dua orang, binatang, benda, atau hal. Kebanyakan adjective atau adverb yang terdiri dari satu suku kata ditambahkan akhiran -er, sedangkan dua suku kata atau lebih diawali dengan kata more. Khusus untuk dua suku kata adjective dengan akhiran -y, akhiran tersebut dihilangkan lalu ditambahkan -ier. Ketika berada di dalam kalimat, degree of comparison ini biasanya diikuti kata than.

Superlative Degree

Superlative degree berfungsi untuk membandingankan tiga atau lebih orang, benda, atau hal. Mayoritas satu suku adjective dan adverb didapat bentuk superlative-nya dengan menambahkan akhiran -est, sedangkan yang lebih dari satu suku kata ditambahkan kata most di depannya. Adapun untuk adjective yang terdiri dari dua suku kata dengan akhiran -y, akhiran tersebut dihilangkan lalu ditambahkan -iest. Ketika berada di dalam kalimat, superlative degree diawali dengan definite article the.

17. 2. To make guava juice we need thefollowing ingredient.except...a. Ice cubesb. Syrupc. Waterd. Guava​


B. syrup


we dont need syurup because guava already sweet

18. 30. I like to ... a glass of guava juice​


I like to drink a glass of guava juice


Semoga membantu,maaf kalo Salah

I like to drink a glass of guava juice

Maaf kl salah

19. HOW TO MAKE A GUAVA JUICE 1. Pour in some water 2. Cut the guava into a small pieces 3. Peel the guava 4. Put in the guava into the blender urutkan menjadi paragraf

urutan jawabannya adalah 3 - 2 - 4 - 1

20. You will hearMan : I don't know what to order. I could drink everything on the menu.Woman : Why don't you try guava juice, orange juice or ice tea.Man : Guava juice sounds take it.Woman : I think I'll have a big glass of cola float.Terjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia​


kamu akan Mendengar

Pria : Aku tak tahu harus memesan apa. Aku Bisa Meminum Apapun Yang Ada Di Menu.

Wanita : Kenapa kamu tak mncoba Jus Jambu, Jus Jeruk Atau Es Teh

Pria : Jus Jambu kedengarannya bagus. aku akan memesan itu

wanita : aku pikir aku akan membeli Segelas Besar Cola Float (Cari Sendiri lah)


Ru disitu Saya gtw

Cola Float ( Kyk Cola Trus Ngambang Diatas Permukaan Minuman Kalo gslah )


kamu akan mendengar

pria: aku tidak tau harus memesan apa.saya bisa meminum apa Saja yang ada dimenu.

wanita:mengapa kamu tidak mencoba jus jambu biji, jus jeruk atau teh es.

pria:jus jambu biji kedengarannya bagus. aku akan mengambilnya.

wanita:Saya pikir Saya akan memesan segelas besar cola mengapung


cek dan lihat

21. change the passive voice into active voice and vice Versa!1. Indonesians commemorate the independence Day on 17th August 2. mother is ordering some glasses of guava juice in the juice stall right now ​


1. the independence day on 17th August is commemorated by Indonesians
2. In the juice stall, My mother is ordering some glasses of guava juice right now

22. 44. Your mother has got a lot of ripe guavas from her garden. She plans to make them juice. Help her writing the good recipe of guava juice.Don't forget stating the Goal, the ingredients and the methods!​


1 cup (165 g) peeled and chopped red or pink guavas

1 teaspoon (4 g) sugar

1/2 cup (120 ml) cold water

Ice cubes


Peel and chop the guavas. Wash several red or pink guavas. Use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin. While you can leave the peel on, it will make the juice thicker and grittier. Chop the guavas into chunks. You should end up with 1 cup (165 g) Measure the ingredients into a blender. Put the chopped guava into a blender or food processor. Add 1 teaspoon (4 g) of sugar and 1/2 cup (120 ml) of cold water. Put the lid on the blender or processor.Blend the guava mixture. Blitz the guava mixture just until the guava is smooth and mixed with the water. Avoid blending the mixture for too long or the seeds will become finely ground. This will make it difficult to strain them out and your guava juice will be gritty.Strain the guava juice. Set a fine mesh strainer over a bowl. For even smoother juice, line the strainer with cheesecloth. Scoop the guava mixture into the strainer and use a spoon to gently push the mixture through it. Add ice cubes and serve the guava juice. Place several ice cubes into 2 small serving glasses. Pour the strained guava juice into the glasses and serve it immediately.

23. pupuk guava terbuat dari

jambu yg sudah membusuk lalu diolah menjadi pupukjambu yang membusuk dan diolah menjadi pupuk.
semoga jawabannya betul dan maaf kalo salah ^_^

24. Tolong buatin teks procedure, how to make guava juice

heloo my name is....... i want to show you how to make guava juice first cut the guava with the knife, second put the guava into the mixer. waiting for the moment. after that put the guava juice into the glass. Finally the guava juice has already to serve. yang titik-titik tulis nama kamu terima kasihHello my name is ... . I will show you how to make guava juice. First you must wash you guava. After that peel the skin of the guava. After that put your guava in the blender. Then after all smooth. Pour you guava juive in the glass. Your guava juice ready tp serve:)

25. apa fungsi netfoam pada kemasan guava

Mewadahi produk selama distribusi dari produsen hingga kekonsumen, agar produk tidak tercecer, terutama untuk cairan, pasta atau butiran

Melindungi dan mengawetkan produk, seperti melindungi dari sinar ultraviolet, panas, kelembaban udara, oksigen, benturan, kontaminasi dari kotoran dan mikroba yang dapat merusak dan menurunkan mutu produk.

Sebagai identitas produk

Meningkatkan efisiensi

Melindungi pengaruh buruk dari luar

Memperluas pemakaian dan pemasaran produk

Menambah daya tarik calon pembeli

Sarana informasi dan iklan

Memberi kenyamanan bagi pemakai.

semoga bisa membantu ya :)

26. Your mother bas got a lot of nipe guavas from her garden she plans to make them juice help her writing the good recipe of guava juice don't forget stating the goal th ingredients and the methods


Gak jelas kali

27. kelompokan kalimat dibawah ini menjadi countable dan uncountable nous. smoke hamster clay guava cream ship dust ink scarf meat cabinet people magazine crab juice tea

countable : hamster, guava, ship, scarf, people, crab, cabinet, magezine
uncountable : smoke , clay, cream,dust, ink,meat, juice, teacountable: hamster, clay, guava, ship, scarf, cabinet, people, crab, magazine. uncountable: smoke, cream, dust, ink, meat, juice, tea. itu menurutku, semoga membantu :)

28. Make the ways to make a guava juice (with ingredients and equipment) (procedure)

1. Peel the guava skin clean 2. Prepare the blender and its plug 3. water water 2 glass 4. Put the guava into the blender 5.put 2 tablespoons of sugar 6.done

29. apakah arti kata :tub

artinya : bak mandi.
tarik......kalo kh salah yyy ....... kali salah sorry

30. 1. what is your....drink? Avocado juicea. wantb. favoritec. liked. need2. these arema kinds of food ⓔⓧⓒⓔⓟⓣ....a. fishb. noodlesc. chickend. guava3. are the coke, juice and water kinds of...?plisss tolong jawab​


1. B ( favorite)

2. D ( guava) its still a fruit tho

3. liquid ( pertanyaan nya kurang jelas)

1. B : favorite
2. D guava
3. Water (?)

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